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Expositions 2012 - 2014

Beyond. Death and Afterlife in Ancient Greece 

- Lucy, Ardi et Selam prennent leurs nouveaux quartiers au musée national d'Éthiopie

Secrets of a Celtic princess

Ten years of Berkeley find

- Découvertes archéologiques de la Ligne à grande vitesse Est européenne

Beyond El Dorado: power and gold in ancient Colombia

Vikings: life and legend

Judean Hills / Judean Desert: 9,000-year-old stone masks

Prehistory of Suwałki and Masuria (Pologne)

- One careless Roman.. one Norfolk wonder find

- Ming  50 years that changed China

Mexican Museum Hosts Toltec Exhibit

Fragmentary Ancestors: Figurines from Koma Land, Ghana

- Chiefs and Governors: Art and Power in Fiji

- Measuring and Mapping Space: Geographic Knowledge in Greco-Roman Antiquity

Angkor (Cambodge):Archéologie préventive

Le Pharaon Toutankhamon, son tombeau et ses trésors

Rarely Seen Mesoamerican Artifacts Revealed

Auguste : exhibition at the Scuderie del Quirinale to mark the 2,000th anniversary of Augustus's death

Sur les traces des premiers Parisiens

A new Viking exhibition reveals that the Vikings were not just marauding barbarians.

Mummies reveal ancient stories under the microscope

Star Carr: Life in Britain After the Ice Age

- "THE ANTIKYTHERA SHIPWRECK  The ship - the treasures - the Mechanism”

El Cerrito (Mexique) Piezas Toltecas inéditas

- Ice Age Art: The Arrival of the Modern Mind

The Age of Equilibrium, 98-180 A.D.

Au temps des Gaulois. L’Aquitaine avant César

Polis Chrysochous / Arsinoe (Chypre) :  City of Gold

The Above Scotland exhibition

Mobile (USA) : New archaeology museum at the University of South Alabama

Doctors, Dissection and Resurrection Men

Life and death in Pompeii and Herculaneum

- Les arts de l’Islam au Louvre

- Bronze

- Valhalla: In Search of the Viking Dead

Doggerland : ‘Britain’s Atlantis’ Found At Bottom Of North Sea

“Dawn of Egyptian Art”

- "Heaven, Hell and Dying Well: Images of Death in the Middle Ages."

The Search for Immortality: Tomb Treasures of Han China

- "Wonders of Ancient Mesopotamia"

Viking and Queen of Scots exhibitions announced by National Museum of Scotland

El Señor de Sipán, Huaca de la Luna y la Dama de Cao’

- ‘2012BC: Cornwall & the Sea in the Bronze Age’

Malte : the Khalili Collections

Greece, Antikythera shipwreck on display

- "20 ans d'archéologie en Guadeloupe"

- Villeneuve-Tolosane/Cugnaux  (France): De la pierre au metal

Objects in Space

- Grave Secrets: Tales of the Ancient Nubians

- Arles, les célèbres fouilles du Rhône exposées au Louvre

Tang Dynasty artefacts from 9th century shipwreck

- Nomads and Networks: The Ancient Art and Culture of Kazakhstan

Gods and Myths of Antiquity

Ancient Aztec school

Les Masques de jade mayas

- Olympian world of the Greek gods

Pas si fous que ça, ces Gaulois !

Expositions de braseros teotihuacains au MNA

Les trésors historiques du fond des mers au musée de l’AUB

Exposition sur le style olmèque à Tepoztlan, Mexique

Felines in Costa Rican Archaeology: Past and Present

- Transition to Christianity: Art of Late Antiquity, Third to Seventh Century AD
