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Prehistoire 2023

People once lived in a vast region in north-western Australia—and it had an inland sea

Many prehistoric handprints show a finger missing. What if this was not accidental?

Font-de-Gaume   (France) :  First discovery of carbon-based cave art could pave way for precise radiocarbon dating

North America's first people may have arrived by sea ice highway as early as 24,000 years ago

- Amnya  (Russie) : Oldest fortresses in the world discovered

Paleolithic humans may have understood the properties of rocks for making stone tools

- Australian Aboriginals Have Been Baking Bread for 34,000 Years

- Ghar-e Boof  (Iran) : Early humans in the Paleolithic Age: More than just game on the menu

- Beaver exploitation testifies to prey choice diversity of Middle Pleistocene hominins

- Langhnaj (Inde) : Hunter-gatherers of Gujarat shared timeline with Harappans.

- These 5 Giant Animals Walked Alongside Ancient Humans

- Hunter-gatherer approach to childcare suggests that the key to mother and child well-being may be many caregivers

A new approach to understanding Aboriginal foodways

Long-distance weaponry identified at the 31,000-year-old archaeological site of Maisières-Canal (Belgique)

- Water Corridors Helped Homo sapiens Disperse out of Africa

Study shows beavers had a big influence on how people in the Stone Age lived

Gap (France) : Researchers identify largest ever solar storm in ancient 14,300-year-old tree rings

New path for early human migrations through a once-lush Arabia contradicts a single 'out of Africa' origin

Humans got to America 7,000 years earlier than thought, new research confirms

Gough's Cave (Angleterre) :  Oldest evidence of human cannibalism as a funerary practice

Chaco Verde (Espagne) : Prehistoric people occupied upland regions of inland Spain in even the coldest periods of the last Ice Age

A prehistoric cosmic airburst preceded the advent of agriculture in the Levant

Modelling of adhesive technology sheds new light on prehistoric cognition

Pollen analysis suggests peopling of Siberia and Europe by modern humans occurred during a major Pleistocene warming spell

Understanding the role of pareidolia in early human cave art

Cueva de los Marmoles (Espagne) : Ancient human remains buried in caves were subsequently manipulated and utilized

Long-term history of violence in hunter-gatherer societies uncovered in the Atacama Desert

Kalambo Falls (Zambie) : Archaeologists discover world’s oldest wooden structure

Doro Nawas (Namibie : More than 400 animals on Stone Age ‘zoo’ identified by their footprints

Doro! nawas (Namibie);  Stone age artists carved detailed human and animal tracks in rock art 

Porc-Epic cave (Ethiopie) :  Pigment production adapted to cultural changes and availability of mineral resources 40,000 years ago

- Cova del Parco (Espagne) : Paleolithic hunter-gatherer hearths reveal changing vegetation in response to climate

The extinction of large prey drove evolutionary changes in prehistoric humans

'Ubeidiya (Israel) : The limestone spheroids of : Intentional imposition of symmetric geometry by early hominins?

La Pasiega cave (Espagne):Missing topographical elements of Paleolithic rock art revealed by stereoscopic imaging

- Vinjeøra (Norvège): Rare Stone Age discovery

Atlatl weapon use by prehistoric females equalized the division of labor

Extreme cooling ended the first human occupation of Europe 

Santa Linya (Espagne): 3D models to study the origin of Linya, the prehistoric woman

- Oral stories of Australia's First Nations might be 10,000 years old

- Mörigen (Suisse) : Arrowhead found to be made from meteoritic iron

- Humans Made Expeditions to This 750,000-Year-Old Workshop

Early Māori settlement on the Subantarctic Islands

Schöningen (Allemagne): A 300,000-year-old hunting weapon

Early Humans Survived an American Ice Age

Drawing in the sand 140,000 years ago ?

- Hula Valley (Israel):Early humans invested in systematic procurement of raw materials hundreds of thousands of years ago

- Rimrock Draw rock (USA): Evidence of humans in Oregon 18,000 years ago

Project uses AI and archaeological materials for network analyses from the Middle Stone Age to antiquity

- How larger body sizes helped the colonizers of New Zealand

La découverte de nouveaux sites préhistoriques remettent en question la date de la présence humaine en Amérique

- Giant stone artefacts found on rare Ice Age site in Kent

- Tomography and radiocarbon dating used to examine Australian Aboriginal knife

Researcher investigates undocumented prehistoric languages through irregularities in current languages

- Timna (Israel): Ancient rock engravings unveil intriguing insights into human cultures:

Shattering the myth of men as hunters and women as gatherers

The invisible plant technology of the prehistoric Philippines

- Plant food processing in Italy during Neanderthal-to-Homo sapiens period

-  E l Gigante (Honduras). Lessons in sustainability, evolution and human adaptation, courtesy of the Holocene

- TrEopical hunter-gatherers' diets contradict Paleo diet assumptions

Artifacts on Australian continental shelf show Flying Foam Passage must be treated as protected archaeological site

Unicorns in southern Africa: The fascinating story behind one-horned creatures in rock art

Pendant found in Mongolia may be oldest known carving of a penis

- Paleo-Americans hunted mastodons, mammoths and other megafauna in eastern North America 13,000 years ago

A rare glimpse of our first ancestors in mainland Southeast Asia

Promising Science Could Unlock Insights into Australia’s Ancient Humans

Eynan-Mallaha (Israel): The first prehistoric wind instruments discovered in the Levant

Q&A with Ludovic Slimak, the archaeologist who wants to rewrite the history of early humans in Europe

- Native populations survived the Younger Dryas by switching from big game to fishing

-  ‘Man, the hunter’? Archaeologists’ assumptions about gender roles in past humans ignore an icky but potentially crucial part of original ‘paleo diet’

Megalopolis (Grèce):  Researchers find stone tools dating back to 700,000 years

Assumptions about gender roles in past humans ignore an icky but potentially crucial part of original 'paleo diet'

Neanderthal and human fire-making methods suggest different origins, shared intelligence

Shell beads discovery sheds light on Stone Age seafaring

An Upper Palaeolithic Proto-writing System and Phenological Calendar

- Re-appraisal of a piece of portable art of Gipuzkoa

The elusive minority: Non-binary gender in prehistoric Europe

- Despite the dangers, early humans risked life-threatening flintknapping injuries

Puzzling rings may be finger loops from prehistoric weapon systems

Ancient climate change solves mystery of vanished South African lakes

Humans were making fires at least 250,000 years ago in Europe

Jebel az-Zilliyat (Saudi Arabia):  Oldest architectural plans detail mysterious desert mega structures

- Wadi Sura II (Egypte): Les mains de bébé ne sont pas humaines

 Human ancestors preferred mosaic landscapes and high ecosystem diversity

'Smoke Archaeology' Discovers Traces of Humans in Nerja Caves nearly 41,000 Years Ago—How Does it Work?

Evidence of ice age human migrations from China to the Americas and Japan

It Took Waves of Modern Humans to Claim Europe From Neanderthal

Bargny (Sénégal): Research reveals longstanding cultural continuity at oldest occupied site in West Africa

Stone tools reflect three waves of migration of the earliest Sapiens into Europe

Archaeologists map important archaeological landscape where first Australians lived more than 60,000 years ago

Digesta: An overlooked source of Ice Age carbs

35,000 years of recurrent visits inside Nerja cave (Espagne)

Canyars  (Espagne):Perforations in ancient bone fragment suggest it was used as a base when poking holes in leather garments

- Early crop plants were more easily ‘tamed’

Giant Cows Killed by Our Ancestors Using Unique Hunting Technique in Ancient Israel

Les magdaléniens de Bellegarde (Gard) il y a 22 000 ans…

A reconstruction of prehistoric temperatures for some of the oldest archaeological sites in North America

Clues to the Lives of North America’s First Inhabitants Are Hidden Underwater

Ksâr 'Akil (Liban):An archaeological rediscovery offers clues about distant human past

Quand les chasseurs de mammouths de Dolní Věstonice disparaissaient lors de la dernière période glaciaire

Masafi (UAE): A prehistoric village developed a line exporting tools and gewgaws made of seashells, of all things

The earliest modern humans in Europe mastered bow-and-arrow technology 54,000 years ago

- Cueva de Malalmuerzo  (Espagne): 23,000-Year-Old Teeth Fill an Ice-Age Gap

Mandrin, France : Bow-and-arrow, technology of the first modern humans in Europe 54,000 years ago

Mediterranean hunter-gatherers may have relied on marine resources more than previously thought

- Une analyse de dents bouscule une théorie répandue sur l'origine des premiers Américains

How did humans first reach the Americas?

Stunning reconstruction reveals 'lonely boy' with deformed skull who died in cave in Norway 8,300 years ago

Children of the Ice Age

- Prehistoric human migration in Southeast Asia driven by sea-level rise

Remapping the superhighways traveled by the first Australians reveals a 10,000-year journey through the continent

Research team identifies oldest bone spear point In the Americas

- Investigating Ice Age America’s Ancient Abattoir

Ethiopie: Obsidian handaxe-making workshop from 1.2 million years ago discovered

- What did people eat 9,000 years ago? Hunting cave reveals glimpses of diets in Mexico

Earliest human remains discovered in northern Britain

Ancient Humans’ First Written Words Are 20,000 Years Old

-  Oslofjord contains some of the most exciting traces of Stone Age people
