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Préhistoire 3

- The Remnants of Prehistoric Plant Pollen Reveal that Humans Shaped Forests 11,000 Years Ago

Zhoukoudian (Chine): New analyses verify the use of fire by Peking Man

Plant foods and the dietary ecology of Neanderthals and early modern humans

Large mammals were the architects in prehistoric ecosystems

Gademotto (Ethiopie): dig that may defy timeline on human evolution

10,000 years on the Bering land bridge

- Bering Land Bridge a long-term refuge for early Americans

Paleo diet better for weight loss than nutrition recommendations

Camel Domestication History Challenges Biblical Narrative

On the chronology of the Uluzzian

- Happisburgh (G-B): The earliest human footprints outside Africa

Happisburgh (G-B): Scientists find 800,000-year-old footprints

Dating is refined for the Atapuerca site where Homo antecessor appeared

Greenhouse “Time Machine” Sheds Light on Corn Domestication

A 'smoking gun' on the Ice Age megafauna extinctions

Sima de los Huesos (Espagne): Luminescence dating and palaeomagnetic age constraint on hominins

Monte Pando (Espagne): Paleolithic humans moved to dwellings with better logistics

What Killed the Great Beasts of North America?

Carbon dates cast doubt on Near East's singular role in modern human migration

Hano (Suède): 11,000-year-old ancient settlement discovered under the Baltic Sea

Qesem Cave (Israël): 300,000-Year-Old Hearth Found

The caveman’s home was not a cave

Raqefet Cave (Israël): Carmel cavemen used plants in rituals 13,000 years ago

Enormous scale of Nile 'mega lake' revealed

Matja Kuru (East Timor): unusually complex bone tool from the Late Pleistocene

Guildford (G-B): Stone Age flints lead to major find

Blombos Cave (Afrique du Sud): Nutritional values of tortoises relative to ungulates from the Middle Stone Age levels

- Ertebølleruten (Danemark) : Opening oyster shells the Mesolithic way

Haua Fteah cave  (Libye):The chronostratigraphy

Channel Islands (USA): 11,000-Year-Old Seafaring Indian Sites Discovered

- Lehberg  (Autriche): Ochre hand imprint of Homo erectus revealed

- Paisley Caves (USA): Ancient Feces Aren’t Human

Chihuahuan Desert (USA): Oldest Human Footprints in North America Identified

How Long Have Humans Dominated the Planet?

How prehistoric 'des res' gave Stone Age Brits a perfect diet

Casablanca (Maroc): la carrière Thomas, une «mine» préhistorique

Hydrological models locate ancient human migration routes

- La Noira (France): Premières preuves d'une occupation acheuléenne, il y a 700 000 ans

- Arroyo del Vizcaíno (Uruguay): Were People Killing Giant Sloths 30,000 Years Ago?

Gademotta.(Ethiopie): Stone-tipped spears predate existence of humans by 85,000 years

Carmel caves (Israël): Prehistoric men held wakes for the dead

Serpentine Hot Springs (Alaska): Discovery Of Alaska Spear Points Raises New Questions About Human Arrival In North America

Iles Aleoutiennes (Alaska): Researcher extends study of human migration

Kilombe (Kenya): Elongation in Acheulean handaxes

The fragmented character of Middle Palaeolithic stone tool technology

Kilombe (Kenya): Early stone tool making more sophisticated than originally thought

The Clovis Point and the Discovery of America’s First Culture

- Australie: Mapping human activity in the last glacial maximum

Serra da Capivara (Brésil): Cave art depicting early Americans’ sex lives suggests people inhabited Americas 18,000 years earlier than believed

Archaeologist finds links with Eurasia

- Dmanisi (Géorgie): ‘Ancient humans’ used toothpicks

- Cavemen discovered recycling

Were the First Artists Mostly Women?

Circulation of whale-bone artifacts in the northern Pyrenees during the late Upper Paleolithic

Early Clovis knew their land and stone

Traces of immense prehistoric ice sheets

Climate change nothing new in Oz

Ebbsfleet (G-B): Giant prehistoric elephant slaughtered by early humans

Kalavan 1 (Armenie): An Epigravettian settlement

Kudaro 3 cave (Géorgie): Who Was Eating Salmon 45,000 Years Ago ?

Ksar Akil (Liban): Early Modern Humans Arrived in Near East 42,000 Years Ago

Misliya Cave (Israël): Dating the Lower to Middle Paleolithic transition in the Levant

Modern Humans in India Earlier Than Previously Thought?

Paleorivers across Sahara may have supported ancient human migration routes

Ksar Akil (Liban): Dating of beads sets new timeline for early humans

Purulia (Inde) :  Signs of civilisation for last 1 lakh yrs

Clovis spearpoints likely were all-purpose tools

Altxerri B Cave (Espagne): Dating Aurignacian rock art

Prehistoric climate change due to cosmic crash in Canada

- Human transition from foraging to farming was a gradual co-evolution, not a rapid innovation

Jinsitai (Chine): New Excavation and Result 2012

Poiana Ciresului (Roumanie): 20,000 year old pendant discovered

Quebrada Maní (Chili): Early South Americans conquered the Atacama desert

Melka Kunture (Ethiopie): An older origin for the Acheulean

- Nihewan Basin (Chine) : Early Humans Lived 1.7 Million Years Ago

Winnemucca Lake (USA): oldest known petroglyphs in North America

New evidence that cosmic impact caused Younger Dryas extinctions

Meadowcroft Rockshelter (USA): Archaeologists recover damaged portion  

Guangdong (Chine): Breakthrough from the Paleolithic archaeological investigation

Atapuerca (Espagne): dig seeks prehistoric ancestors of Europeans

Taforalt Cave (Maroc): Origins of the Iberomaurusian in NW Africa

Scott City (USA): Researchers search for link between mammoth bones, early hunters

Sima del Elefante cave (Espagne): 1.4 Million-Year-Old Knife Discovered

Warfare was uncommon among hunter-gatherers

Vogelherd Cave (Allemagne): Ice Age Figurine's Head Found

Warren Field (G-B): 'World's oldest calendar' discovered in Scottish field

Bulls Scarp (USA): ocean-bottom archaeological site  that was Ice Age coast

Patpara (Inde): the technology of the Acheulean to Middle Palaeolithic transition

- Raqefet Cave (Israël): earliest use of flowers in burial rite

Altamira cave (Espagne): a long sequence of rock art

Swan Point (USA): Scientists uncovering ancient culture in Interior Alaska

Ban Don Mun (Thailande): A chronological reappraisal of human occupations

Huayang  (Chine):  Site could be divided into eight stratifications

Turkana Basin (Kenya): Pedogenic carbonate stable isotopic evidence for wooded habitat preference of early Pleistocene tool makers

Warwasi / Yafteh (Iran): The beginning of the Upper Paleolithic in the Iranian Zagros

Shuidonggou (Chine): microblades connected with mobile adaptations

Yana (Russie): Ancient Siberians may have rarely hunted mammoths

Pyrénées (France/Espagne): On the Trail of Pre-Historic Humans

Kozarnika cave (Bulgarie): Teeth and bones ioverturn theories about the Homo erectus

Beachcombing for early humans in Africa

Buck Lake (USA): one of the best preserved sites of Clovis artifacts center of a scientific controversy

Danjiangkou (Chine): Stone Artifacts Unearthed from the Early Paleolithic Site

Pallavaram (Inde): A discovery that changed the antiquity of humankind who lived in Indian subcontinent

Prehistoric Dog Lovers Liked Seafood, Jewelry, Spirituality

Theory of cosmic impact 12,800 years ago

Origins of human culture linked to rapid climate change

- Riparo di Mezzana (Italie) : Un métissage préhistorique

When Did Humans Begin Hurling Spears?

Hoedjiespunt 1 (Afrique du Sud): Coastal adaptations and the Middle Stone Age lithic assemblages

Research pushes back origins of agriculture in China by 12,000 years

Australie : no evidence for theory humans wiped out megafauna
