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Evolution 5

Tibet: Our Extinct Cousins Reached 'The Roof of The World' a Long Time Before Homo Sapiens

- Humanity's missing link: 2-million-year-old bones shed light on human spine

Laetoli (Tanzanie) Unknown human ancestor may have walked a bit like a bear on its hind legs

Rising Star cave (Af. Du Sud): First fossil of Homo naledi child found

New species of human ancestor named: Homo bodoensis

Climate changed the size of our bodies and, to some extent, our brains

Bundu Farm (Afrique du Sud): evidence of extreme climate change thousands of years ago

Nesher Ramla (Israel): A new type of Homo unknown to science

- Harbin (Chine): Une nouvelle espèce identifiée : Homo longi

Earliest humans , Homo Erectus, had language

Identity of mysterious 'Hobbits' possibly found

New Evidence in search for Denisovans

Morphométrie 3D : une révolution dans la paléontologie

Contentious Hypothesis Posits Humans Brains Grew Larger as We Hunted Smaller Prey

A 4.4 million-year-old skeleton could reveal how early humans began to walk upright

Comment Homo sapiens a-t-il échappé à la consanguinité ?

- Jersey (G-B): Human teeth found hint at Neanderthal and Homo sapiens interbreeding

How many early human species existed on Earth?

A humanoid that lived six million years ago shows it walked on all fours, suggesting it was more closely related to chimps than humans

- When three species of human ancestor walked the Earth

Drimolen (Afrique du Sud): Possible Two Million Year-Old Hominid Transition

Broken Hill (Zambie): 300,000-year-old skull may be from an African ‘ghost’ population

 Ancient human ancestor 'Little Foot' probably lived in trees

Atapuerca (Espgne):  The tooth enamel of the hominids grew faster than in modern humans

We probably don’t descend from Australopithecus sediba

Supernovae zapped earth 2.6M years ago – Researchers wonder if they prompted human ancestors to walk upright

Diet-induced changes favor innovation in speech sounds

From Stone Age chips to microchips: How tiny tools may have made us human

Denisova Cave (Russie): First ever piece of a Denisovan skull discovered

New chimpanzee culture discovered

- Denisova Cave (Russie): New Fossils And Dates For Human Presence

A snapshot of our mysterious ancestor Homo erectus

'Missing link' in human history confirmed after long debate

Xujiayao (Chine): Dental study of juvenile archaic Homo< fossil gives clues about human development

Little Foot's inner ear sheds light on her movement and behaviour

Did Rampant Inbreeding Contribute to Early Humans’ High Rate of Skeletal Deformities?

- Ti's al Ghadah (Arabie Saoudite) : Earliest hominin migrations into the Arabian Peninsula required no novel adaptations

- Homo sapiens developed a new ecological niche that separated it from other hominins

Arago Cave (France) : 560,000-year-old milk tooth found

Sterkfontein Caves (Af. Du Sud) : Cranium of a four-million-year-old hominin shows similarities to that of modern humans

Impressions on the inner surface of skull fragments reveal parts of Homo naledi's brain

3.6 million-year-old footprints suggest early human ancestors were excellent walkers

Development of teeth may hold clues to human evolution

Raising eyebrows: how evolution gave us expressive faces

Inner ear provides clues to human dispersal

Modern chimp brains share similarities with ancient hominids

Chimpanzees, bonobos, and even humans may share ancient body language

Interdisciplinary approach yields new insights into human evolution

- First study of the only original fossils conserved of 'Peking Man'

Modern human brain organization emerged only recently

New approach measures early human butchering practices

Eppelsheim (Allemagne) : Teeth dating back 9.7 million years could rewrite human history

Early human ancestor to blame for genital herpes

Bones of Stone Age boy challenge single-origin theory of modern humans

Bone Fossil Shows Early Primates Jumped Through The Trees

When ancient fossil DNA isn't available, ancient glycans may help trace human evolution

Trachilos (Grèce) : Do these fossil footprints challenge established theories of human evolution?

Farming, cheese, chewing changed human skull shape

Turkana (Kenya): New 13-million-year-old infant skull sheds light on ape ancestry

Buran Kaya caves (Ukraine) :  Early modern humans consumed more plants than Neanderthals but ate very little fish

Origin of human genus may have occurred by chance?

 - Scientists Have Captured Chimpanzees Performing a Bizarre Ritual

Chipped teeth suggests Homo naledi had a unique diet

DNA of early Neanderthal gives timeline for new modern human-related dispersal from Africa

Neandertals and modern humans started mating early

Turkana (Kenya) : Animals, not drought, shaped our ancestors' environment

Rupkite (Bulgarie) :Looking for Man's origins in a Bulgarian savannah

Jebel Irhoud (Maroc) : Scientists discover the oldest Homo sapiens fossils

Jebel Irhoud (Maroc) : L'Homo sapiens serait 100 000 ans plus vieux que ce que l'on croyait et son berceau n'est peut-être pas l'Afrique de l'est

Springs were critical water sources for early humans in East Africa

- Scientists find 7.2-million-year-old pre-human remains in the Balkans

- Dikika (Ethiopie) :3.3 million-year-old fossil reveals origins of the human spine

Rising Star (Af. Du Sud) : Homo naledi's surprisingly young age opens up more questions on where we come from

- Hominid lived alongside modern humans

- Lesedi Chamber (Af. Du Sud) :cave yields yet more fossils of a newfound relative

Study could provide first clues about the social lives of extinct human relatives

Tibetan people have multiple adaptations for life at high altitudes

Homo naledi’s brain shows humanlike features

Bonobos may be better representation of last common ancestor with humans

Who Was Australopithecus sediba?

Did Human Ancestor 'Lucy' Have a Midwife?

- Masol (Inde) : Man came from Africa... or maybe Chandigarh

Origins of Indonesian hobbits finally revealed

Viral fossils reveal how our ancestors may have eliminated an ancient infection

How domestication can change animals' facial features

Sterkfontein Cave (Af. Du Sud) : The unsolved case of Little Foot's age

Why our brains are now three and a half times bigger than those of our ancestors

Human Skull Evolved Along with Two-Legged Walking

Human nose evolution shaped by climate

Lingjing (Chine) : 100,000-year-old human skulls reveal complex mix of trends in time, space

Extinct Neanderthals still control expression of human genes

How forensic science can unlock the mysteries of human evolution

Olduvai Gorge (Tanzanie) : New analytical tools are reshaping our knowledge of ancient humans

Engel Ela-Ramud basin (Erythrée) : New field season

Why are most people right handed?

Evolution of brain and tooth size were not linked in humans

Human Ancestor 'Lucy’ Was Likely Part of a Female Harem

Small Mutation Contributed to Evolution of Bigger Human Brains

Human ancestor 'Lucy' was a tree climber, new evidence suggests

- Right-Handedness Might Go Back Almost 2 Million Years

Wild monkeys flake stone tools

Fossil bee nest provides clues to environment of early hominin

Neanderthal and modern human ear bones

Evolution of human intelligence linked to blood flow to the brain

How the most famous human ancestor died

More gorilla than chimp

Voice control in orangutan gives clues to early human speech

Homo erectus walked as we do

Oldest Non-Human Stone Tools Outside Africa Created by Monkeys

New dating suggests younger age for Homo naledi

- Niah Cave (Malaisie) :37,000-year-old skull reveals surprise for scientists

Danakil (Erythrée) : Possible Homo Erectus Footprints

Monkeys Do Not Have a "Stone Age" Culture

Mata Menge (Indonésie) :New fossils shed light on the origin of ‘hobbits’

New Support For Human Evolution In Grasslands

Lucy had neighbors: A review of African fossils

Nature vs. nurture? Both are important, anthropologist argues