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Buddha statue, found in the ruins of the ancient city Nevaket, will be transported to the State Historical Museum of Kyrgyzstan. It became known yesterday, when the Vice Prime Minister Elvira Sarieva visited archaeological sites in the upper reaches of the Chui Valley Nevaket (Red River), Suyab (Ak Beshim), included into the list of world cultural heritage of UNESCO.
She discussed details of completion of the excavation of the largest in the north of Central Asia Buddha statue. "These objects are the heritage of our history. It is noteworthy that our compatriots represent the Russian Hermitage Museum and help Kyrgyzstan to complete the excavations. I am sure that after transportation of the statue in Bishkek and its final restoration, modern generation of Kyrgyz people begins attending settlements of Chui province and will contribute to the development of historical sites throughout the country," the official said.

Recall, excavations in the Red River for several years has been a joint Kyrgyz-Russian archaeological expedition of nine. The Russian side is represented by a native of Kyrgyzstan, researcher, research worker of "East" Department of Hermitage Asan Torgoev, the Kyrgyz one - the archaeologist of the Institute of History and Cultural Heritage of the National Academy of Sciences Valery Kolchenko.

Now officials decide the issue of protection of archaeological sites. The government discusses approval of zones for their protection and changes in land records.
Following the last regular session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in Doha (Qatar), Red River settlement (Nevaket), Ak-Beshim (Suyab) and Burana (Balasagyn) are included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage.