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Kelham (G-B): "Lost house" destroyed by 17th century Civil War Royalists

Ben Miller

Source -

A "lost" Civil War house, destroyed by Royalists more than 350 years ago, could have been found by the River Trent

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© Wessex Archaeology
Two stone walls, thought to have been the gateway to a “lost house” which was demolished during the Civil War of 1644-1666, will be reburied and preserved by archaeologists after being found alongside pottery, tile and clay tobacco pipe fragments during water pipeline work beneath the River Trent in Nottinghamshire.

Experts had not known of any sites along the Kelham route of the river. Soil stripping revealed the walls angling away from the main road near the village of Kelham, where flint and a Neolithic arrowhead were also discovered.

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The plan of the site © Wessex Archaeology

We think this was a gateway leading into the grounds of a large house,” says Karen Nichols, of Wessex Archaeology, whose on-site advisors worked with engineers to modify the water pipeline in order to avoid the walls.

We don’t know when the house was built but it is possible that it was demolished in the 17th century.

The theory is that the house was demolished by Royalists during the Civil War to remove any cover for attacking forces.

This was an important area because Newark was a Royalist stronghold and the besieging Parliamentarians had encampments in and around Kelham.

This would explain why there is no sign of the gateway or house on 18th century maps.”

The team are experienced in working with Severn Trent Water because of the commonality of archaeological remains along the Valley.

The records and finds will be analysed before a report is sent to the Nottinghamshire Historic Environment Record.