ALLEMAGNE : Francfort
L’exposition porte sur un pharaon peu connu du grand public. Sahouré fut le deuxième souverain de la Ve dynastie, il y a plus de 4000 ans. L’art de cette époque est souvent considéré comme l’apogée de l’Ancien Empire.
L’exposition présente , outre les statues du pharaon, de nombreux bas-reliefs peints provenant de mastabas de hauts fonctionnaires du règne de Sahouré.
Le Liebieghaus a réuni des pièces provenant de ses collections mais aussi des Musées de Berlin, Munich, du Louvre, du Caire et de New-York.
'Unearthed' opens on Tuesday 22nd June and runs until Saturday 29th August at the Centre for Visual Arts, University of East Anglia, Norwich

A collection of tiny, broken ceramic feet, ornate goggle-eyed statues and the famed ‘Grimes Grave Goddess’ are among 100 prehistoric figurines going on show at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts next week to enable a comparison between a matching (but totally unconnected) tradition of human model making in Japan and Europe thousands of years ago.
‘Unearthed’ features six ornate Jomon figurines (known as dogu) from Japan which are up to 16,000 years old. The beautifully carved statues are remarkably well complimented by a collection of Neolithic and Eneolithic statues from the Balkans which date back 8,500 years.
The exhibition creators say the comparison of both sets of figures made by villagers in totally unconnected regions, has thrown up “intriguing similarities and differences.” Many of the statues have been made to be hand held and are typically about 5 cm in height (2.3cm at smallest). Both sets are made from similar materials and have breaks in similar places.
Click here to preview the Unearthed exhibition