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30 OCTOBRE 2017 NEWS: Lincoln - Nallasopora - Jamestown - Chongqing - Chengdu - Calleva Atrebatum - Sandvaveer - Royaume Uni -






ROYAUME UNILeb echo fotw stud no 21 Lincoln - Archaeologists from Network Archaeology Ltd have teamed up with Lincolnshire Live to reveal more about the incredible artifacts from a dig along part of the route of Lincoln's Eastern Bypass. Our Find of the Week is a curious circular object with a groove round its middle, looking like a tiny pulley wheel. It is made of jet or a very similar shiny black shale. It was found within one of the early Bronze Age burial mounds on the north bank of the Witham. Our first thought was that this mystery object was in far too good a condition for something of that age and we wondered if it could have been a modern object that had somehow found its way into this earlier layer.One of them identified this as a ‘waisted stud’. These are unusual finds: a recent academic study found records of only sixty known examples in Britain. Most of these were from eastern England, but there were others from Wales and Ireland. Many are made of Whitby jet, but there are others of fired clay or different kinds of stone. Where they have been dated, almost all are from early Bronze Age sites, between 3,700 and 4,000 years old. And as with our example, they have nearly always been found on funerary sites.But what were they? They have sometimes been described as toggles or buttons, although if this was the case, they would be expected to show signs of wear on the inner surface of their ‘waists’. Few if any of them do. They must have been in contact with something softer than the fibres of clothing.There are a few clues: in several cases they have been found in matched pairs, and occasionally alongside skeletons, nearly always close to the skull. Where it was possible to tell, the skeletons were female. So, our mystery object is probably a stud from a pierced ear. It would have taken time and great skill to make, and would have been a luxury item: it is likely to have been worn by an important and grand lady, living and dying near the banks of the River Witham. The presence of such a person emphasises just how important a place this was in the early Bronze Age.

INDENallasopora2 Nallasopora - While exploring the nearby area in the Virar (Sopara), an archaeology researcher stumbled upon a small cave structure of historic importance dating back to approximately second century BC. Upon further exploration, he found out that the cave, used as a temple in the area, is a rock-cut Buddhist cave. Visiting the temple space to explore further, Siddhart Kale, a Vasai resident, who has been exploring Vasai Taluka for the last few years has also discovered historic structures such as the sati stone which is a cave structure having five water cisterns, a hero stone, which is generally dedicated to the memory of a soldier, and rock-cut caves structures hidden in the area. "These caves are known as Vassavassa and were mainly used by the Buddhist monks during the rains. The Baronda Devi temple was converted into a temple in the 19th century. The caves have similar features as seen in the Jivdhani caves. They also have a renovated bench that can be dated back to similar period. The length of the caves is 15 feet while the height is six feet after the renovation work was completed.

USA Jamestown 2 Jamestown - Archaeologists in Jamestown are looking into a mysterious box that was found in Memorial Church while excavating the area. Jamestown Rediscovery, which is managed by Preservation Virginia and the National Parks Service, have been examining the box found earlier this week at the church that has been excavated on and off since 1901. Scientist with Preservation Virginia believe that the the metal capsule held an envelope containing a mysterious message, but are not sure what it could have been about. The group said in a Facebook message that they believe the contents and correspondence could have been between Mary Jeffery Galt and William Leal, who dug in this corner of the church back in June of 1901.


CHINE – Chongqing - Chinese archaeologists said Thursday that they have completed a three-month excavation of six clusters of ancient tombs in Chongqing Municipality. The clusters, consisting of 25 tombs, were discovered in an industrial park in Huanggu Village. They are believed to be from the Southern Song (1127-1279) and Ming (1368-1644) dynasties, according to a spokesperson with Chongqing Cultural Heritage Research Institute. The tombs cover an area of more than 1,600 square meters, nearly the size of four basketball courts. Archaeologists said that they are most interested in seven double-chamber stone tombs that have high quality building materials and delicate carved interiors, which show the status of the tomb owners. A total of 38 burial artifacts such as porcelain objects were also discovered during the excavation which started in late July. Archaeologists hope to learn more about burial customs during the periods.

CHINE - Chengdu - The therapeutic system of traditional Chinese medicine might have taken shape hundreds of years earlier than previously thought, according to researchers from Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Sichuan province. Their assumption is based on a study of ancient medical books made of 920 bamboo slips unearthed from an ancient tomb in Sichuan from 2012 to 2013. The bamboo slips found in the ancient tomb in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan, have more than 200 names of diseases. They are named after the pathogenesis, etiology and changes of diseases, according to Li Jiming, dean of the School of Chinese Classics at Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Since 2013, Li has studied the characters on the bamboo slips with a team of researchers. He thinks the medical books made of bamboo slips might have been written by Bian Que (407-310 BC), a famous physician in the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), or his disciples, as they narrate how Bian diagnosed patients' diseases by taking their pulse and inspecting their skin color. The medical books made of the bamboo slips have many similarities to the medical book Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases written by Zhang Zhongjing, one of the country's most celebrated physicians, during the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD25-AD 220). The similarities include diagnosing patients by inspection and pulse-taking, use of acupuncture, description of diseases, prescription for diseases and arrangement of different medicinal herbs in the same dose, Li said. To make way for the construction of a subway line in Chengdu, the Chengdu Institute of Archaeology and Jingzhou Cultural Relic Protection Center in Hubei province excavated a graveyard dating to the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 24) from July 2012 to August 2013. Archaeologists opened four tombs, finding nine sets of medical books made of 920 bamboo slips with some 20,000 characters and a lacquer model of a human body for traditional Chinese medical use. Medical bamboo slips had never been excavated in Sichuan before and the lacquer model is the second of its kind found by Chinese archaeologists, according to Xie Tao, deputy chief of the Chengdu Institute of Archaeology. In 1993, the country's first lacquer model of a human body for traditional Chinese medical use was unearthed in Mianyang, Sichuan. But it did not have acupuncture points like those on the second lacquer model, he said.T

ROYAUME UNI Methode 2ftimes 2fprod 2fweb 2fbin 2f69caad80 bb26 11e7 b7b5 90f864fcf112 Calleva Atrebatum - A lost Roman temple has been uncovered beneath a Hampshire farmyard. Nearly 2,000 years old, it was probably built in the reign of the Emperor Nero. Found using groundpenetrating radar on the eastern edge of the former tribal capital of Calleva Atrebatum, a city of Iron Age origins that became the seat of a Roman client-king, it was one of a triad of tower-like buildings set within a walled enclosure, or temenos, marking the area as sacred. The temples faced travellers arriving from London as the highway entered the city’s east gate.

INDEChiytakoot Sandvaveer - Excavation at an archaeological site, Sandvaveer, located in Bundelkhand region near Rajapur--the birthplace of Tulsi Das--in Chitrakoot district has shown evidence of prehistoric and historic cultures. Conducted by Shakuntala Misra Rehabilitation University in collaboration with the state archaeology department, the excavation drive found archaeological remains of three cultures -Neolithic, Chalcolithic, and Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW)-showing long habitation at this site. Remains like handmade pottery , copper objects, bangles, beads and pendants have been unearthed. Done to explore the cultural sequence of Sandvaveer, the excavation showed the earliest ceramic culture which was started in Neolithic period. For the first time, agriculture and domestication of animals came in the life of pre-historic men which laid the foundation of settled life. The earliest culture, known as Neolithic period, found at Sandvaveer tells the story of first agricultural society, Mis hra said. The team unearthed archeological remains like terracotta beads, semi precious stone, bangles, bones, teeth, charcoal, muller, neolithic celt, sling ball, hearth, stone objects, arrow heads, painted wares, variety of potteries, post holes, earings and pendants. The Ceramic tradition, added Mishra, has close resemblance with remains of the excavated sites in Ganga valley and Vindhyan range. The Ceramic tradition and other artefacts found in the Ganga Valley and Vindhyan range are also found at Sandvaveer. "This shows the possibility of migration from Vindhyan to Ganga Valley ,'' Mishra said. The NBPW ceramic culture is being associated with the period of Gautam Buddha and is also known for second urbanisation in India.

ROYAUME UNI - Mary queen scots  - A previously unknown rare portrait of Mary Queen of Scots, as she would have looked as she languished in captivity in England some four and a half centuries ago, has been discovered underneath a later painting of a Scottish nobleman. Only around four contemporary non-miniature portraits of Mary during her years of captivity still exist. This newly discovered example – revealed through x-ray imaging – is therefore of great historical importance.
