- 31 JUILLET :
- VIET-NAM :Thang Long - Hanoi - Imperial Citadel of Thang Long becomes 900th site on UNESCO World Heritage List. The Citadel was built in the 11th century by the Ly Viet Dynasty, marking the independence of the Dai Viet. It was constructed on the remains of a Chinese fortress dating from the 7th century, on drained land reclaimed from the Red River Delta in Hanoi. It was the centre of regional political power for almost 13 centuries without interruption. The Imperial Citadel buildings and the remains in the 18 Hoang Dieu Archaeological Site reflect a unique South-East Asian culture specific to the lower Red River Valley, at the crossroads between influences coming from China in the north and the ancient Kingdom of Champa in the south.
- TANZANIE : Ngorongoro - The World Heritage Committee meeting inscribed the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (Tanzania) as a cultural property on the World Heritage List. Archaeological research in the area has also yielded a long sequence of evidence of human evolution and human-environment dynamics, collectively spanning almost four million years to the early modern era. This evidence includes the fossilized footprints at Laetoli, associated with the development of the human ability to walk upright; a sequence of diverse, evolving hominim species from Australopiths to Homo erectus and Homo sapiens; and remains that document the development of stone technology and the transition to the use of iron.
- CHINE : Dengfreng - The World Heritage Committee meeting in Brasilia has inscribed the Historic monuments of Dengfeng, in the “Centre of Heaven and Earth” , on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Mount Songshang is considered to be the central sacred mountain of China. At the foot of this 1500 metre high mountain, close to the city of Dengfeng in Henan province and spread over a 40 square-kilometre circle, stand eight clusters of buildings and sites, including three Han Que gates – remains of the oldest religious edifices in China –, temples, the Zhougong Sundial Platform and the Dengfeng Observatory. Constructed over the course of nine dynasties, these buildings are reflections of different ways of perceiving the centre of heaven and earth and the power of the mountain as a centre for religious devotion. The historical monuments of Dengfeng include some of the best examples of ancient Chinese buildings devoted to ritual, science, technology and education.
- FRANCE : Albi - C'est jour de fête pour la Cité épiscopale d'Albi (Tarn), qui a été ajoutée, samedi 31 juillet, à la liste du Patrimoine Mondial de l'Unesco. La Cité épiscopale d'Albi est un ensemble urbain construit en terre cuite autour de la cathédrale Sainte-Cécile, qui a valu au chef-lieu du Tarn son surnom de "ville rouge". Selon la mairie d'Albi, le périmètre retenu comprend notamment la cathédrale Sainte-Cécile (1282), puissant édifice en brique de style méridional, comprenant une grande voûte due à des artistes italiens. Le Palais de la Berbie, une forteresse avec un donjon massif et une enceinte fortifiée qui abrite depuis 1922 le musée Toulouse Lautrec, le célèbre peintre et enfant du pays, en fait également partie. L'église Saint-Salvi et son cloître, le Pont-vieux et une partie des berges du Tarn sont aussi classés.
- FRANCE : Angers - En engageant une série de grands travaux, ces quarante dernières années, la ville a préparé son avenir, mais aussi exhumé son passé. Années 70 : les fondations des églises Saint-Pierre et Saint-Maurille, des sarcophages appartenant aux deux églises, des vestiges de la ville antique. Années 80 : thermes publics de la ville antique, avec les piscines encore en place, le système de chauffage, etc. , nécropole antique du Ier siècle avec statues, urnes cinéraires et fosses remplies d'offrandes. Années 90 : un oppidum, une tombe mégalithique et un tumulus avec des chambres funéraires. Années 2000 : nécropole à inhumations, datée du IIe siècle, est exhumée avec 176 tombes, dont des auxiliaires romains venant de la Crimée... et le désormais fameux temple de Mithra.
- PEROU : Kuelap - Technicians found the remains of 79 human bodies dating back to the 7th century while carrying out restoration work at the Kuelap fortress. The human remains were found inside a stone wall that is believed to have been a secondary grave site, meaning the remains had been removed from their original burial place. Those involved in building the fortress brought their dead from their places of origin to Kuelap for reburial. Kuelap, which, due to its monumental size, required the community efforts of people from several areas. That would explain how human remains that date back to the 7th and 8th centuries could be found in a structure built around 1000 A.D.
- ROYAUME-UNI : Exeter - Archaeologists believe they have found a second Roman fort on the site of the former St Loye's campus off Topsham Road. The new V-shaped ditch cuts through trenches that were dug to hold timbers for the first fort's barrack blocks — these are long fairly narrow linear trenches. This shows that the army used the site again at a later date. These are early days, but at the moment the pottery found on the site suggests the first fort might be earlier than the fortress. The pottery found so far from the second fort suggests it could have been built perhaps a decade or two later. Archaeologists believe the fortress could date from the middle of the first century AD.
-ESPAGNE : Moixent - The finding of a set of useful weapons for warriors from 2400 years ago in La Bastida de les Alcusses located in Moixent (Valencia) has confirmed this excavation as "the peninsular town of reference to study the Iberian period." Excavations have recovered over 60 iron objects in a small area of the western entrance to the village of La Bastida, including weapons, rods and nails belonging to the jamb of a door, the experts explained. There are five sets of weapons, belonging to as many Iberian warriors from 2,400 years ago, which are the "most spectacular" find and enable to document "a unique ritual in Iberian Archaeology consisting of the intentional deposition of five complete sets of iron weapons, food offerings and ceramic vases, all burned together with wood and iron structures of the door and sealed under a layer of earth. "