Pompeii - Un mur d’une douzaine de mètres protégeant «la Maison du moraliste» s’est écroulé ce mardi sur le célèbre site archéologique de Pompéi, près de Naples, a-t-on appris auprès des responsables locaux. «Un mur qui s’était déjà écroulé à la suite des bombardements pendant la seconde guerre mondiale et qui a été reconstruit s’est de nouveau écroulé ce matin sur une douzaine de mètres», a déclaré le service des biens architecturaux de Pompéi, un des lieux les plus visités d’Italie. «Ce mur était composé de pierres anciennes que nous allons récupérer et réutiliser, comme lors de la précédente reconstruction, et il ne comportait pas de fresques ou peintures», selon la même source. Le mur était situé derrière la Maison du moraliste, ainsi appelée car son propriétaire avait fait inscrire sur les murs du jardin de sa demeure des phrases de morale pour ceux qui lui rendaient visite. Cette construction n’a jamais été ouverte au public. «Il faut examiner avec prudence ce qui s’est produit et éviter les alarmismes inutiles. La situation à Pompéi est constamment contrôlée par les techniciens et l’écroulement n’a concerné aucun élément important, ayant une valeur historique, artistique ou archéologique», a réagi le ministre de la Culture Sandro Bondi.
- U.S.A. :
Jamestown - Bearing perhaps the earliest printing in English America, fragments of 400-year-old personalized pipes have been found at Virginia's Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in the New World. Stamped with the names of Sir Walter Raleigh and other eminent men back in England, the pipes may have been intended to impress investors—underscoring Jamestown's fundamentally commercial nature. The personalized clay pipes, which archaeologists say were probably made between 1608 and 1610, also provide new insights into Jamestown's early pipemaking industry. The settlers' lives depended on pleasing the investors of the Virginia Company, which bankrolled and supplied struggling Jamestown. It may not be surprising, then, that among the eight names that can be seen on, or inferred from, the fragments are those of several Jamestown investors. The use of clay pipes by the English appears to have begun when colonists saw Indians smoking on Roanoke Island. After Indian pipes had been brought back to England in 1585, the demand for pipes—following Raleigh's fashionable example—began to escalate. Early English pipe bowls were small and bulbous, made for smoking small amounts of expensive imported tobacco. But Indian pipe bowls were larger and, like Jamestown pipes, trumpet-shaped. They could accommodate large amounts of locally grown tobacco and be shared and smoked with others as a symbol of friendship. Archaeologists have also discovered fragments of saggers, small clay ovens used for making pipes, inside the James Fort site.
Mrauk-U - Two incumbent ministers and national legislators-elect ordered the railways ministry to choose a new path for the line it is building near the ancient city of Mrauk-U, after residents complained that walls and pagodas had sustained damage after a section of track had been laid. Mrauk-U, the ancient city in northern Arakan State that was home to the Mrauk-U Kingdom (1433 to 1784), enters Sakya Manaung Pagoda in September, 2010. Three pagodas and 10 walls at the national heritage site were damaged during construction of the Kyauktaw-Mrauk-U section of the Sittwe-Ann-Minbu railway.
Tel Kesra - Syrian archaeological mission working at Tel Kesra site, 45 km west of Deir Ezzor city (north-eastern Syria), uncovered a Byzantine bath dating back to the 6 century AD. Head of the archaeological mission Yarub al-Abdullah said that the excavation works revealed the whole bath. It includes three halls (outer hall, the warm and hot halls) in addition to a boiler hall, water basins and water channels which draw water to the cabins. The bath wall is 1 to 1,5 meters high. Tel Kesra is a Byzantine fort located along the old eastern borders of the Byzantine Empire. It covers an area of 27 hectares, and is surrounded by a brick wall.
Roullet-Saint-Estèphe - Des tessons d'amphores, des clous, et quelques traces noirâtres sur le sol: pour l'instant, c'est tout le butin de l'équipe d'archéologues de la société bordelaise Archéosphère, qui mène le chantier de fouilles de Roullet, le premier sur le trajet de la future LGV entre Tours et Bordeaux, qui fait suite au diagnostic de l'Inrap (Institut national de recherches archéologiques et préventives) mené il y a tout juste un an. «C'est une découverte importante, parce qu'il y a peu d'enclos augustéens ( Datant du règne de l'empereur Auguste, entre -27 avant J.-C et 14 après JC.) dans la région», souligne Jérôme Primault, coordinateur sur tout le tracé pour le ministère de la Culture. Il y a 2.000 ans, ce site était probablement utilisé pour la crémation des corps. Deux enclos quadrangulaires, quelques fosses et trois fossés ont été repérés. «Tout le mobilier est enregistré, topographié», poursuit-elle. Le «mobilier», c'est-à-dire les objets retrouvés, est envoyé en laboratoire pour être lavé, protégé de la corrosion, restauré et analysé. Sur le terrain, le travail va se poursuivre encore plusieurs semaines. Dans les bureaux et les dépôts, il va durer plusieurs mois, jusqu'à la publication d'un rapport accessible au grand public.
- CHINE : Three Gorges Reservoir - Archaeologists have unearthed more than 240,000 cultural relics near the Three Gorges Reservoir. Since 1992, archaeologists have excavated 1,087 archaeological sites scattered across 22 cities and counties in the region, with some 723 of the sites underground. The artifacts uncovered include prehistoric cultural relics dating back more than 2 million years to the Old Stone Age. Relics from the Xia (21st Century BC to 16th Century BC) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties have also been recovered. The dig was the largest ever archaeological excavation project in China with the greatest number of archaeological experts involved. At one point, there were more than 1,000 experts at the site, equivalent to about two-thirds of the staff of all of China's archaeological research institutes.
Bagnols - Une campagne de prospection archéologique a été organisée par l'association Via, dans le cadre des recherches intitulées 'Les dynamiques de peuplement dans la basse vallée de la Cèze, étude diachronique de l'occupation du sol et études de cas'. Au cours de la première semaine de novembre, une équipe d'archéologue encadrée par Thibaud Canillos (UMR Chrono-Environnement, Besançon), composée d'étudiants de l'université de Provence (Aix-Marseille 1), de l'université Paul-Valéry de Montpellier, ainsi que de membres de l'association Via (Laudun), a assuré la détection et le relevé de différents sites archéologiques localisés en basse vallée de la Cèze à hauteur de Laudun-L'Ardoise, Orsan et Chusclan.
- HAWAII : Honolulu - The Bishop Museum is making information about thousands of Hawaii sites excavated by its archaeologists available to the public through an online database. The database has details on 12,800 sites. Archaeology Collections Manager Rowan Gard says the database will allow people to search for information about their community, and perhaps even their own backyard. A second version of the database will include thousands of artifact images and research manuscripts. The museum has over a million artifacts of Native Hawaiian and historic Hawaii immigrant life. It's the largest such collection in the world. http://has.bishopmuseum.org/
- U.S.A. :
New Jersey - Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno wants the Petty's Run archaeological site on the Statehouse grounds in Trenton that features the ruins of sections of Colonial and Industrial era mills dating back to the 1730s buried. The dig, which sources say Guadagno considers an eyesore, does have the appearance of a construction site and has been surrounded by piles of weed-covered excavated dirt and a cyclone fence since the ruins were uncovered in 2008. The site is over 30 feet in depth. Hunter‘s archeologists uncovered the remains of the 1730s Isaac Harrow iron and steel plating mill, which was powered by Petty's Run, a key water source in Colonial Trenton, that still runs west and down hill across the Statehouse grounds through a 130-year-old brick tunnel and empties into the Delaware River. Remains of the mill's furnace and the water wheel that powered the plant and the 1820 cotton and 1876 paper mills that followed it, also has been uncovered as well as the remains of a 19th century Trenton rowhouses. The steel mill was still in operation in 1776 when Gen. George Washington and his troops crossed the ice-peppered Delaware on Christmas Day night and won a surprise victory at Trenton, which saved the Revolution. Hessian soldiers were housed in the adjacent Old Barracks at the time.