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28 JUILLET 2016 NEWS: Fulford - Baltalıın / İnkaya - Pteria - Tors Cove - Harborough -







ROYAUME UNIA1 jpg gallery Fulford – An excavation at Fulford, which precedes the 950th anniversary of the 1066 battle, is turning into the "best imaginable" dig, says archaeologist Chas Jones. He said the dig on the Germany Beck site had led to further finds of tools which were he believed to have been used by medieval armourers to repair dents in helmets and shield-bosses. He said ‘indisputable dating’ of the conflict - the first of three battles which culminated in the more famous Battle of Hastings - was now even closer.

TURQUIEN 102139 1 Baltalıın and İnkaya caves - A number of cave paintings dating back some 8,000 years have been found in Baltalıın and İnkaya caves in the Marmara province of Balıkesir during a field study. The paintings, which date back to the Late Neolithic era, were located in two caves five kilometers apart and were said to be 8,000 years old, marking one of the most important archaeological discoveries made in Anatolia in recent years.  When the two caves were analyzed separately, it was revealed they were used for different functions, as the paintings in one of them depicted hunting figures, while the other depicted figures of beliefs. The floor and northern wall of the İnkaya Cave was greatly damaged by past treasure hunters using dynamite, however, despite this damage, the cave continues to reflect important information about the Neolithic era. A deer hunt is depicted on the eastern wall of the Baltalıın cave. The paintings also included a scene never depicted before, in which a trap is set by hunters and a group of animals is driven towards the trap. There are also four people dancing in the main part of the painting on the left side of the entrance. A different depiction of a human wearing fur on the right side of two women and two men is depicted, while on the left side of this painting there is a depiction of a fetus growing in the womb. A human wearing fur appears at the beginning of the main stage. Across from this figure, a human is depicted with a snake behind. It was believed that the snake represents the death in this figure, which was interpreted as “the moment of death” by the experts. The depiction of a human wearing a fur and extending his hand forward is believed to be a shaman who is helping human spirits to go the land of the dead at the moment of death. A portrayal of a dead human without a head offered to the vultures is also depicted.

TURQUIE N 102105 1 Pteria - Archeological activity in the excavation area of the ancient town of the lost city of Pteria, located near the village of Şahmuratlı in the Central Anatolian province of Yozgat, has been completed.  Significant discoveries have been made in the project carried out by a team of 45 people, led by American archeologist Scott Branting. The site is home to many remarkable historical treasures, said Branting, who has been leading and actively participating in archeological projects at the Şahmuratlı-Kerkenes ruins for 22 years. Brenting added that the archeological activity in the area might have to continue for a long time due to the sheer volume of possible findings, adding that the Kerkenes area is believed to have been home to a civilization in 600 BC.  Yasemin Özarslan, a research staff at the Faculty of Archeology at Koç University, who has been leading the archeological team along with Branting, confirmed that the works at the site, ongoing since May 15, have been concluded.  This year, we continued the excavation in the northern city block of the city of Kerkenes Demirçağı. This block is only one out of the 757 remaining blocks in the city. A mixed group of 30 students and researchers from various cities and universities participated in the excavation. Also, 15 people from the village of Şahmuratlı provided help and support,” says Özarslan. We’ve been unearthing some of the buildings and open plains in the north of the city. The scraping of a columned building has been concluded, along with the multiple structures and plains surrounding it such as various clusters of buildings, frameworks and alleys in the area,” she added. 
We have mainly discovered rock paved streets and avenues, a majority of which we were able to unearth. Multiple remains and objects belonging to the Iron Age [600-700 B.C.] have been discovered,” said Özarslan, describing the significant initial findings made by the archeologists.

CANADA Archeology dig memorial university summer field school  Tors Cove - A group of Memorial University archeology students has stepped outside the classroom for the summer, to dig up part of the province's history in Tors Cove, on the southern shore of the Avalon Peninsula. The 15 students are working on a site first documented eight or nine years ago, when a local resident alerted the university to some curious objects eroding out of a bank: shards that turned out to be ceramics, clay tobacco pipes and nails, all hints of a possible site for migratory fishermen in the late 17th or early 18th centuries.

ROYAUME UNI Hartborough Harborough - An estate in Market Harborough is likely to be hiding a surprising secret - a Romano-British settlement almost 2,000 years old. The ancient settlement looks likely to be buried underneath the Brookfield Road estate, off Lubenham Hill in the town. Senior project supervisor Daniel Connor, of Allen Archeology, said: “We’ve found mostly what looks to be the top end of a Romano-British settlement, dating back to the 1st to 4th century. “The main part of the settlement, the actual structures, are probably buried underneath the 1980s housing estate, lower down the hill.”Finds on the fields include a Romano-British oven, pottery fragments and a copper alloy mortar, probably used for grinding make-up. There are also traces of an earlier Iron Age settlement, including pottery fragments.
