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28 - 29 JUILLET 2010


 - 29 JUILLET :

  - U.S.A. : High Rise Village -  Utah State University is investigating why the prehistoric inhabitants of western Wyoming chose to build and live in a large village at nearly 11,000 feet elevation in the Wind River Range. The site, High Rise Village, contains at least 51 houses called wickiups as well as substantial remains from campfires, cooking, tool making and seed grinding.


 - FRANCE : Le Puy - Lors des travaux de restauration de la Cathédrale du Puy-en-Velay en 1994, un fonds de partitions manuscrites a été retrouvé. Il s'agit probablement de la découverte archéologique musicale la plus importante faite en France depuis plus d'un siècle.  En outre, peu de fonds sont aussi riches que celui de la Cathédrale du Puy, constitué de plus de 700 oeuvres. Plusieurs oeuvres, dont aucune trace n'était connue, ont été ainsi mises à jour. On a même redécouvert des compositeurs dont on avait oublié jusqu'à l'existence : c'est le cas de Louis Grénon [1734-1769], maître de musique à la Cathédrale du Puy de 1754 à 1763. 


 - FRANCE Eauze -  autrefois appelée Elusa, était la capitale de la Novempopulani. Lors d'une fouille en 1985, le trésor datant de l'époque gallo-romaine a été découvert et fut le point de départ de la construction du musée du trésor d'Eauze. Le trésor d'Eauze est à ce jour le seul dépôt important de monnaies et d'objets précieux romains trouvés en France qui ait été intégralement récupéré. C'est en cela qu'il est unique. Ces découvertes sont très rares. Le propriétaire a thésaurisé sa fortune mais n'a jamais pu venir la chercher. « Cet homme devait être un riche propriétaire terrien, notamment de vin, comme le montre la petite statue de Bacchus ». De plus, « 95 % des bijoux n'ont jamais été portés, ce qui montre que les bijoux et pièces ont été faits dans le but d'être cachés ». Le trésor se compose de 28.003 monnaies d'argent, 45 monnaies de bronze et 3 d'or. Le reste est constitué de bijoux.


 - FRANCE : Charleville-Mézières - Des vestiges d'un site romain viennent d'être mis au jour sur le chantier d'un futur lotissement au Clos Paul. C'est un habitat rural avec des traces d'artisanat, remontant à la période romaine au sens large. Seul l'examen des pièces de céramique retrouvées sur place permettra de le dater plus précisément.


 - ROYAUME-UNI : Fin Cop - A local history group has won a British Archaeological Award for its excavation of the Iron Age hill fort site at Fin Cop. The three-week dig, overlooking Monsal Dale in the Peak District National Park, unearthed a female skeleton and baby dating from 400-200 BC, along with hundreds of prehistoric pottery shards and tools.


 - IRAK : Arbil - Welcome to the at least 7,000-year-old Arbil citadel in Iraq's northern Kurdistan region, a stunning walled fortress on a roughly 10-hectare site that some experts say is the oldest continuously inhabited settlement on earth (it's still occupied today, by a single family of 12). After years of stop-start negotiations, the citadel is finally set for a face-lift and likely World Heritage status. Nobody knows who first built the towering castle-city, but it was already famous when Alexander the Great added it to his empire in 331 B.C. Some 1,500 years later, it took an invading Mongol army two tries and a six-month siege to storm it. The list of successive ruling cultures is a history lesson in itself — Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Sassanian and Ottoman, among many others — and each left its history behind, adding to an archaeological layer cake now 32 m high. Despite pleas from scientists going back to the 1930s, the citadel has never been fully excavated.


 - 28 JUILLET  :

 - FRANCE : Montaigu-la-Brisette - Après trois ans de sondages préalables et six campagnes estivales consécutives de fouilles archéologiques, l'agglomération gallo-romaine, datant d'entre Ie I er et le III e siècle, semble avoir livré tous ses secrets. « Au fil des années, nos recherches ont permis d'identifier la présence d'un temple (fanum) de tradition celtique et son enceinte sacrée. Ce temple était implanté au sein d'une véritable ville gallo-romaine, sur plus de vingt hectares, avec une voirie structurée, des fossés entre parcelles et des constructions urbaines . Les archéologues ont aussi découvert récemment  des thermes publics comportant des bassins chauds et froids, un égout d'eaux usées et des hypocaustes, chaufferies destinées à produire de l'air sous le sol des salles chaudes. Poursuivant leurs fouilles, ils ont mis au jour une piscine découverte, construite à côté des thermes, associée à une plaine de jeux (palestrum), où les visiteurs du balnéaire pouvaient se livrer à des activités sportives. D'autant plus facilement qu' un gymnase de grande dimension, devant aussi servir de salle de réunion aux habitants de la cité, leur était contigu, à proximité de jardins d'agrément .


 - ESPAGNE : Atapuerca - A 500,000 year old complete cranium has been recovered from the Atapuerca side at Sima de los Huesos de Atapuerca in Burgos. It’s the second complete cranium to be found at the site which shows the presence of Homo Antecessor in the region.


 - CANADA : Finnegan - A stone effigy monument, in the shape of a Blackfoot creator god named Napi, has been discovered in southern Alberta – south of the Red Deer River near the hamlet of Finnegan. The Blackfoot are a people that have inhabited the prairies since ancient times. The effigy dates to somewhere between AD 1000 and AD 1500. It would have been constructed before the time of European contact. Napi is a deity credited with creating the Blackfoot people and the landscape they inhabit.

  - ISRAËL : Manuscrits de la Mer Morte - The recent decoding of a cryptic cup, the excavation of ancient Jerusalem tunnels, and other archaeological detective work may help solve one of the great biblical mysteries: Who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls? The new clues hint that the scrolls, which include some of the oldest known biblical documents, may have been the textual treasures of several groups, hidden away during wartime—and may even be "the great treasure from the Jerusalem Temple," which held the Ark of the Covenant, according to the Bible. New research suggests many of the Dead Sea Scrolls originated elsewhere and were written by multiple Jewish groups, some fleeing the circa-A.D. 70 Roman siege that destroyed the legendary Temple in Jerusalem.


 - BULGARIE : Saint Ivan Island - Excavations on Saint Ivan island, the largest of five Bulgarian islands in the Black Sea, have unearthed an exquisite marble reliquary incorporated into the church’s altar, the reliquary might hold the relics of John the Baptist. Once the island was converted to Christianity, a monastical complex was built between the 5th-6th century on top of the ruins of the old Roman temple, including the Basilica of the Mother of God. Around the 7th-9th century, the basilica was abandoned only to be reconstructed in the 10th century. The Monastery of John the Forerunner and the Baptist grew into an important centre of Christianity in the region. Archaeological research was carried out after 1985 for a a period of two years, which revealed a royal residence, a library, part of the fortified wall with the gate and several monastic cells.


 - TURQUIE : Myra-Andriake - A pair of bronze tweezers and a manicure rasp were found at the excavations of the Andriake Port. The 1,800-year-old care set was considerably advanced compared to similar ones in the Roman period.


  - RUSSIE :   Shagara Lake - Remnants of early people of the Neolith epoch have been discovered near Shagara Lake, Klepikov District of the Ryazan Region. The entombments are already 4 thousand years old.  Chisels, hatchets, scrapers, arrowheads, crocks of vessels – these things can be found nearby the graves.  Archeologists have found out big holes that adjoin the last year's archeological pits. They had been scooped mainly orthogonally, with the cultural layer spoilt and, most likely, plundered.


 - SERBIE : Viminacium - While major excavation was taking place at the Roman amphitheatre site, a sculpture made of jade and of excellent craftsmanship was discovered. The jade figurine more than 35 centimetres long, is unfortunately not complete.


 - TURQUIE : Rhodiapolis - Early-warning systems and infrared cameras have been installed in the ancient Mediterranean city of Rhodiapolis to protect the site and local historical artifacts from earthquakes, floods and fires. The system will not only prevent fire damage but also illegal excavation works because the ancient city will be under 24-hour surveillance. Similar projects are also being installed at sites in Greece, Italy and Tunisia. In addition, 10 different organizations from Belgium, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and Tunisia will also carry out feasibility studies on implementing such measures.


 - U.S.A. : Silver Glen Springs - A University of Florida archaeologist found centuries-old bones. The human remains, estimated to be between 500 and 700 years old, were found Monday during a excavation at Silver Glen Springs Recreation Area in Ocala National Forest, about 30 miles south of Palatka.


 - CANADA : Banks Island - Arctic archaeologists have found the ship that forged the final link in the Northwest Passage and was lost in the search for the Franklin expedition. The HMS Investigator, abandoned in the ice in 1853, has been found in shallow water in Mercy Bay along the northern coast of Banks Island in Canada's western Arctic. The ship is standing upright in very good condition. It's standing in about 11 metres of water. On shore, not far from the wreck, are what scientists believe are the graves of three British sailors. The Investigator was one of many American and British ships sent out to search for the HMS Erebus and the Terror, the vessels commanded by Sir John Franklin in his doomed search for the Northwest Passage in 1845.


 - ITALIE : Rome - Le Colisée va lancer début août un appel à sponsors pour un montant de 25 millions d'euros afin de rendre tout son lustre au monument symbole de Rome. La façade du Colisée, abîmée par les intempéries et noircie par la pollution automobile, offre un triste spectacle. En outre, en mai, des morceaux de mortier à la chaux se sont détachés des parois. Les travaux pourraient commencer dès le mois d'octobre et s'étaler sur deux ans.