Dahwa - Researchers have unearthed unique pottery in the archaeological site of Dahwa belonging to the Umm al Nar civilisation. The site dates back to the civilisation of Umm al Nar, which dates from 2500 to 2000 BC. It is the oldest settlement to date discovered in the north of the Batinah plain. What distinguishes the site is the initial indications of its external relations with Sindh, in which the pottery or the storage jar, which was manufactured in the civilisation of Harappa, then in Sindh. It is believed that the place of manufacture of the pottery found in Dahwa is located in the central region of the Sindh valley in Pakistan, specifically the Mohenjo Daro region, where archaeologists found the largest city in the world dating back to the early Bronze Age (2500-2000 BC). Archaeologists also believe that these pottery were used to transport some products from the Indus Valley by small boats across the Indus River to the shores of the Arabian Sea. They were transported by larger boats to a port near the wilayat of Saham and then were carried on shoulders for 24km inwards through the edges of the Al Hajar Mountains to the Dahwa area. The strong presence of Sindh pottery in Dahwa indicates the extent of trade activity that prevailed between Oman and Sindh during the early Bronze Age. The nature of the materials that were imported from Sindh and transported in these jars has not yet been identified. Oman was famous for the export of copper to Sindh, Mesopotamia and Iran during the period of Umm al Nar culture.
Jainagar Lali Pahari - Excitement ran high among archaeologists at Jainagar Lali Pahari here on Monday as the upper portion of a small sanctum sanctorum of a monastery, perhaps dating back to the early Pala period, surfaced during excavation at the site. Jainagar Lali Pahari was the erstwhile political capital of the Pala dynasty. Experts said that on the southern side of the structure, they have unearthed the outer side of a 40-inch wall of a sanctum sanctorum, which is supposed to be a monastery. In the upper portions they found a few cells, the kind used by Buddhist monks for meditation. A floor too was found buried underneath. Remnants of watchtowers once used for security have also been found at the place. The towers were built in the pattern of Vikramshila, Jagjivanpur and Paharpur. Apart from that, a few pieces of red-slipped ware (pottery of a particular period)and bricks dating back to the early Gupta period and pottery dating back to 6th Century were also found along with structures of a fort with iron angles. It is assumed the iron angles may have been used for construction of the roof. Some copper finger rings dating back to ancient times were also found.
Nagano - Old chestnuts have probably never rustled up so much interest in Japan as ones recently found in ancient ruins here. Two nuts, the oldest found in Japan, were used for unspecified purposes in the Jomon period's early years (16,000 to 11,000 years ago), researchers said. Radiocarbon dating and other analyses put their age at between 12,900 and 12,700 years old. Holes bored in each one suggest that people might have dried the nuts by threading needles through them. “We can confirm that they are highly important chestnuts, being the oldest in (Japanese) archaeology," said Agematsu Mayor Makoto Oya in announcing the find Dec. 25. He called the discovery one that "is full of the Jomon period’s romance, showing that people made their living here using chestnuts.” Until now, the oldest chestnuts found in Japan came from Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture, and were dated at between 11,000 and 7,000 years old. The Agematsu chestnuts were originally unearthed in a pit dwelling site in 1992 during road construction for National Route No. 19. Two whole chestnuts were found, as well as 870 or so fragments.
Burstwick - Archaeological work in the East Riding of Yorkshire has uncovered a possible Iron Age warrior burial. Northern Archaeological Associates was commissioned by Morrison Utility Services, on behalf of Yorkshire Water Services, to carry out excavations between Burstwick and Rimswell, ahead of the installation of a replacement water main. Initial archaeological appraisal in advance of this groundwork had identified that the pipeline route crossed an extensive landscape of later prehistoric to Roman date. Cropmarks picked out the ditches of large field systems interspersed with smaller, clustered enclosures, and the most extensive section of the field system was located to the north of Halsham, 4km to the east of Burstwick. There, adjoining a meandering Iron Age trackway, were several substantial ditches forming fields and smaller enclosures, within which was a pair of burials in sub-rectangular pits, spaced a few metres apart. Their human occupants were both lying in a crouched position on their left sides, with animal remains placed in front of them. One of the graves contained a skeleton identified as an adult male, accompanied by a group of iron weapons: a sword, bent almost double, had been placed by his head; across his hip was a shield (its boss survived relatively intact, but the timber had been reduced to a dark stain in the soil); and clutched between his arms was a small spearpoint. The other burial, badly preserved and of indeterminate sex, did not appear to have any weapons, although an iron arrowhead was found within the grave fill. Whether this was a grave good or a projectile that had penetrated the body is unknown. The animal remains comprised long sections of articulated vertebrae and, during excavation, it was speculated that they might represent pieces of oxtail; subsequent examination has shown that they are actually pig vertebrae. Within the territory of the Iron Age Parisi, in what is now the East Riding of Yorkshire, pork seems to have been a favourite accompaniment of the dead. While there was no settlement evidence recorded in the immediate vicinity of the burials, 900m to the east was a cluster of ring gullies, almost certainly the remains of roundhouses. One had an inner ring for a timber structure, while another produced burnt daub from the fill of the gully; hand-made pottery was recovered from several post-holes. Post-excavation assessment is ongoing.
Nadali-Beig Hill - A previously spotted residence area at Nadali-Beig Hill in western Iran may date back to around 7,000 years ago, archaeological studies suggest. “The second season of excavations at the site has so far yielded several stages of construction, considerable numbers of pottery pieces, as well as remains of residential units associated with the everyday life that are estimated to date from the 5th millennium BC,” IRNA quoted Hannan Bahranipour, who leads the excavations team, as saying on Sunday. Identification of ancient layers and its connected cultural sequence built the framework for the first excavation season, which was carried out during 2016 and 2017. Meanwhile the second season seeks to shed a new light on architectural feature of the site by the means of a trench that measures 10 by 8 meters. Nadali-Beig Hill is located on the southwest of Sonqor, a city in Kermanshah province. It is also in the vicinity of the River Jamishan. “Following the construction of Jamishan dam over the River Jamishan the hill was faced a risk of decay,” Bahranipour added.
INDE - Patimalagudem - Officials of Archaeology department have intensified their search for the valuables of yore, after unearthing some rare semi-precious stone beads believed to be more than 3000 years old from the megalithic burial ground site at Patimalagudem village under Rayanapeta Panchayat of Yetapaka Mandal in East Godavari. The village is located in the Polavaram project-affected area and now measures are on to intensify the excavations to unearth more archeological finds dating back to Neolithic age. The 69 stone beads made of crystal, carnelian, and chalcedony with multi-colored combination are being suspected to have been used in the ornaments worn by women of that era.
INDE - Korlagunta - In a survey conducted by noted archaeologist in the state, Dr E Sivanagi Reddy, sculptures belonging to 10th century AD have been discovered in Krishna district. Based on information received from villages of Korlagunta in Agiripalli Mandal, Krishna District, Reddy examined the sculptures. Sculptures of Mahishasura Mardini, Chandi, Chamundi, Nandi, and Dwarapalika surfaced from these sculptures can be dated back to the Vengi Chalukyan period (10th century AD). They have lot of historical significance in terms of art and iconography, as Goddess Durga is depicted standing on the head of buffalo demon. This sculpture has Chola influence.
Tolmeitha - The recent heavy rains have washed away soil in Tolmeitha to reveal a Roman statue, according to the archaeology department in the town, 110 kilometres east of Benghazi. The statue was found near the town’s Roman cistern. The location is the statue was marked, and it was then lifted carefully to avoid any damage,” said Ashraf Al Warfalli, the head of Tolmeitha archaeology bureau. The town, founded in the sixth century BC, was named Ptolemais in the third century BC after the Egyptian pharaoh Ptolemy III, who united eastern Libya with Egypt. It was originally the port for Barca (modern Marj). Initially it was not one of the cities of the Pentapolis (“Five Cities” in Greek), these being Cyrene, Barca (now the Arabic name for Cyrenaica), Euesperides or later Berenice (modern Benghazi), Balagrae (modern Beida) and Taucheira (modern Tocra). However, following the earthquake in Cyrene in 365 which destroyed what was an already dying city, Ptolemais became the chief city of the Roman province of Upper Libya. Its most famous resident was Sinesius who became bishop of the town in 410 AD. Many of his writings still exist.