26 AOUT 2015 NEWS: Fort Rock - Maryland - Dublin - Aghios Vassilios -







USA 55db8c2d60374 image Fort Rock Cave - University of Oregon archaeologists will return to the site of the 1938 discovery of the oldest known footwear in the world, according to a news release. Fort Rock Cave in northern Lake County is famous for dozens of approximately 10,000-year-old sagebrush bark woven sandals that were found there by the “Father of Oregon Archaeology” Luther S. Cressman, who was on university faculty from 1929 until his retirement in 1963. Cressman discovered the sandals beneath a layer of volcanic ash produced by the 7,600-year-old eruption of Mount Mazama — the same eruption that created Crater Lake. The age of the sandals was confirmed in the 1950s through radiocarbon dating. In 1966, Cressman returned to the site with graduate student Stephen Bedwell who uncovered a hearth in Pleistocene — Ice Age — gravels. Charcoal from the fire pit was radiocarbon dated to roughly 15,800 years before present, the oldest reputed hearth in Oregon. As important as the site is to the human story of North America, the archaeological work there was done more than half a century ago. We still have important questions about the site that might be answered with recovery methods and analytical techniques that were not available to Cressman and his students,” said Tom Connolly, project leader and director of archaeological research for the university’s Museum of Natural and Cultural History. “Our excavation will not be extensive, but will focus on the chronology and dating of the site deposits, and drawing critical samples for later analysis.”


USA1032728 6 20150824231605 workers removing debris find 18th century shipwreck in maryland Maryland - A maintenance crew removing debris from under the US 50 Bridge over the Nanticoke River in Maryland last spring thought they might have hit on something special when they saw wood that looked like ship timbers. They were certainly right: Archaeologists are now confirming that it isn't just a ship, but perhaps the oldest found in the area, dating back to the 1700s, reports WBOC 16. Growth rings reveal it was made from oak cut down between the Potomac River and Annapolis and fastened with wooden pegs, reports WBAL-TV. The 45-foot cargo ship was likely built at a small shipyard or plantation in Maryland, and charring suggests it was torched by British sympathizers in the 1780s.

Video = http://www.wbaltv.com/news/centuriesold-shipwreck-discovered-on-eastern-shore/34891632


IRLANDE – Dublin - The bones of victims of a cholera epidemic in the 1830s have been uncovered as part of preparation works for the Luas cross-city line at Broadstone, Dublin. The remains were found last week by workers at the Broadstone Bus Éireann Garage on the north side of the city. The Great Cholera Epidemic of 1832 killed thousands across the country and, due to overcrowded conditions, Dublin’s inhabitants were particularly vulnerable. While the majority of Dubliners who died during the disease outbreak were buried at Bully’s Acre – a cemetery near the Royal HospitalKilmainham – there was not enough space there to cope with the influx of burials. A site between Grangegorman and Broadstone was used as an overflow burial ground. All of the skeletons are disarticulated and all of the bones seem to have been mixed up and put in the trench.


GRECE Excavations mycenean palace Aghios Vassilios Hill - Archaeological excavations, carried out since 2009 at the 3.5 hectares site of Aghios Vassilios Hill near the village of Xirokambi on the Sparta plain, unearthed the remains of a Mycenaean palace, Linear B tablets and seals, fragments of wall paintings and bronze swords, shedding light on the life in the area during the 17th to 16th centuries BC. Emeritus ephor of antiquities Adamantia Vassilogrambrou leads “The Aghios Vassilios Archaeological Project,” while the Bronze Age settlement that is thoroughly examined is believed to have been razed by fire in the late 14th or early 13th century BC. According to a Greek Culture Ministry statement, the written testimonies discovered in the area constitute the most valuable findings of the whole excavation process, as they are a part of the realm of the Greek Prehistoric Era, for which very little physical evidence exists. The Ministry noted in its announcement: “The palace complex of Aghios Vassilios provides us with a unique opportunity to investigate, with the use of modern excavation and analysis methods, the creation and evolution of a Mycenaean palatial center in order to reconstruct the political, administrative, economic and social organization of the region. Alongside, it is estimated that new evidence on Mycenaean religion, linguistics and paleography will also be brought to light.”

