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25 - 26 SEPTEMBRE 2010



 - ROYAUME-UNI : Carshalton - A series of 2,000 year old animal burials have been found at Carshalton, London Borough of Sutton. The burials, which were placed in pits, were discovered in an excavation. The pits belonged to a farm that was lived in before the Roman conquest in AD 43 and which continued to be occupied for a few generations afterwards. At this time people lived in round houses which had conical thatched roofs. The burial of animals in pits is well known in Iron Age Britain and is part of a tradition of making offerings to the gods of the underworld. The pits were probably originally dug to store grain through the winter before sown in the spring. When the pits passed out of use the farmers buried valuable things in the pits before filling them in. At Carshalton the animals, which were probably sacrificed, include horses. As well as the animal burials, Bronze Age remains have also been found. Small gullies, perhaps field boundaries, and what may be droveways for cattle may be associated with the nearby Queen Mary’s fort. The circular fort dates to the Late Bronze Age and 2,800 years ago it was one of the most important sites in the south. It was discovered when the hospital, which was a children’s hospital, was built at the beginning of the 20th century.

 - INDONESIE : Aceh - Two archeologists from Medan have found evidence that a village in Central Aceh district had been inhabited by prehistoric humans. Ketut Wiradnyana and Lucas Partanda Koestoro announced on Sunday that they had found artifacts such as a a square stone axe, a niche, pottery pieces and a human skeleton inside a cave near Danau Laut Tawar, a lake in Kampung Mendale. The skeleton’s exact age has yet to be confirmed, since the excavation is still ongoing. Ketut said the artifacts would have to undergo a carbon dating test at the National Atomic Energy Agency (Batan). He team also established that the same type of pottery was found in Vanimo, Papua New Guinea, in 1996. Hari said Lapita pottery was previously discovered in many places in the Pacific region and the Bismarck Islands.  Residents of Kwadare village in Waibu district also found a bronze axe, which the archeological team said was made in 300 BC and originally came from Dong Son, North Vietnam.


 - ROYAUME-UNI :  Snowden Crags - A prehistoric cairn circle which may have been the tomb of a tribal king has been identified on Askwith Moor. The discovery was made by the same group of antiquarians who uncovered evidence of several other cairns, or ancient graveyards, on the moor earlier this year. The circle is still pretty much overgrown and requires a decent excavation. But it is, without doubt, a prehistoric cairn circle, probably Bronze Age, and appears to be the centre-piece in the middle of the Snowden Crags necropolis. What archaeologists have so far is this: a large flattened circle consisting of at least a dozen upright stones that define the edges. Between these are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of smaller stones. Inside the circle is a scattered mass of many small stones, typical of cairn material, filling the entirety of the monument, but the central region has been dug into at some time in the past. It sits on a flat plain of moorland amidst the Snowden Crags necropolis with around 30 other small cairns. But this particular site is several times larger than all the others, probably indicating that whoever was buried or cremated here was of some considerable importance in the tribal group – a local king, queen, tribal elder or shaman.


 - SYRIE : Apamée - The national Archaeological expedition found a unique reddish brown mosaic with a length of 4.8 meters and a width of 3 meters in addition to several coins dating back to the 1st century AD. Head of Hama Antiquities Department Abdul Qader Farzat said the mosaic was uncovered in Chamber No. 5 Acriba Bath inside Apamea which is six meters long, five meters wide and 4 meters high. Farzat pointed out that the expedition worked mainly on the western corridor of the bath which is 11 meters long where clay dishes dating back to Byzantine Age were found in addition to a wall upon which a clay canal was found.  Head of the archaeological mission Nadim Khoury clarified that the expedition found in Hall No.1 of Acriba Bath an arch connecting the room with the hall, a six-meter water tank and a brick floor underneath with two clay channels that were used to heat water. Adding that "it's believed that Hall No. 1 was the hot part of the bath which was built in the 1st century."  He pointed out that excavation works included chamber No. 4 which is 5 meters long and 7 meters high where parts of the bath and an arch of a door leading to 8-step stairs which lead to a water basin were found.



 - BULGARIE : Nessebar - Bulgarian archaeologists have uncovered two ancient graves during excavations in the Necropolis of Mesambria in the Black Sea town of Nessebar. The team led by Aneliya Bozhkova and Petya Kiyashkina, co-head of the archaeology team and head of the museum "Ancient Nessebar", opened a stone tomb found deep into the ground. In one of the two ancient graves, the excavators discovered a wooden coffin dating back to the 3rd century BC. The two graves will be researched carefully over the coming days. They are not the only exciting discovery at the ancient Greek colony Black Sea colony of Mesambria made in the past weeks. The same team of archaeologists recently found a bronze hydria in a tomb dating back to 4th century BC.

 - INDE : - Singadivakkam - In what could be a major find, a large number of stone tools and weapons said dating back to more than 80,000 years ago were unearthed from a dry lake bed in Singadivakkam, a remote hamlet some 65 km south of Chennai. Archaeologists have so far found hand-axes, choppers, scrappers and borers as well as microlithic tools (small stone implements) and pointed tools of different sizes and shapes. Most could have been used for hunting and fishing. The huge number of tools found, said to be over 200, at the one-hectare-site indicates that it could have hosted a large human settlement. Most of the settlers may have migrated from the northern parts of the country. The settlement, as can be guaged from the tools found, shows transition from early to middle Paleolithic age, also known as the Stone Age. The site has evidence in the form of tools and weapons showing the transition from the Stone Age to the modern age. In the rest of the Paleolithic sites discovered so far, he added, there had been a break in the sequence.


 - BULGARIE :    Telish - A prehistoric home dated back 7000 years has been uncovered. The team led by archaeologist Ventsislav Gergov is convinced that the home found in a place known as "Laga" is part of a village with at least 30 houses. The walls of the homes were made of stamped clay mixed with cow manure and straw, and were additionally supported with wooden poles. This is how the home becomes monolithic and acquires amazing heating isolation. Gergov has found parts of over 40 highly-ornate ceramic vessels inside the home as well as two clay ovens built one over the other. This is not Gergov's first prehistoric discovery at Telish; a place which has turned out to harbor some of the oldest remains of civilized settlements in the world.