Pinhey’s Point - A new piece of history was uncovered at Pinhey’s Point Historic Site. Archaeologists spent the Aug. 18-20 weekend digging at the city-owned heritage manor and ruins and their hard work paid off — they uncovered a foundation wall, which is believed to be for a stable once constructed on the property near Dunrobin. The wall was in pristine condition, said lead archeologist and Pinhey’s Point Foundation board member Ian Badgley. “More research needs to be done, but this is a good start,” Badgley said, adding that the organization had an idea something like a stable’s foundation was there, but had no idea how well it would be preserved.
Fort St. Louis - During the latest dig at Fort St. Louis in July, Cottreau-Robins said her team found several French trade beads, a discovery she considers to be most significant to date. The glass beads uncovered include blue and white round beads as well as two types of tubular beads. “It’s tremendously exciting. I think it’s very important artifact,” Cottreau-Robins explained.“(It) speaks directly to the interaction between the M’kmaq and the French that were here at this site,” she said. “When I see these beads … I visualize Mi’kmaq trading furs for beads,” she added. “We’ve been finding a lot of copper scraps and that’s indicative of cutting and repurposing them for, let’s say, weaponry like projectile points and also for beading,” the Rhode Island resident said. Campbell said they also found a small piece of slate with incisions that may have been a portion of an artwork piece. “The problem is we don’t have the full piece. It’s only a section but it very much looks like the petroglyphs at (Kejimkujik National Historic Site), similar in that kind of style,” Campbell said.
Nandampatti - A few stone statues were found at Nandampatti village near Killukottai in Pudukottai district recently. A press release from the founder of the forum A. Manikandan said the statues belonged to the 8th to 10th century. Statues including that of Pichaadanar, Parvathi, Lord Muruga, Gowmaari, Brahma, Chandikeswarar, Ayyanar, Jain Tirthankara in meditating pose, a couple of Nandis and a broken statue of Bairava were found at the spot. A stone inscription was also found. The forum has informed the State Archaeology Department regarding the findings.
Sallins- A settlement a few hundred metres north of the village along the Liffey. Twenty different discoveries were made in the area, including charcoal-production pits, smelting furnaces, cereal-drying kilns, a brick-kiln, post-medieval roadways, a mill-race, prehistoric cremations and a ceremonial ring-ditch. But the most significant discovery was that of an early medieval enclosure complex on the banks of the River Liffey, north of Sallins in the townland of Castlesize. The enclosure is marked by a number of a two metre deep ditch. The dig only ended last week and that among the discoveries were the remains of probably the largest ever medieval ‘slaughter dog’. These dogs were used to guard settlements and houses in medieval times. It was found buried in a kiln which, Noel believes, suggests it was obviously a special dog to its owners. Other items found include quite a lot of pieces of jewellry including ring pins and a silver strip, glass beads, and a book clasp, which, he said, was quite similar to the St Brigid’s cross design.
Nicopolis ad Istrum - Veliko Tarnovo. !This year’s research is starting in the Roman city of Nicopolis ad Istrum, to be led by Ivan Tsarov, archaeologist and director of the Regional Museum of History in Veliko Tarnovo.
The research will focus on the central part of Nicopolis, a sector that was not completely explored in previous years, archaeologist Dr. Pavlina Vladkova told FOCUS Radio - Veliko Tarnovo. The goal is to finalise explorations in this sector so as to prepare the whole complex for conservation and complete a tourist route in the southwestern part of the square complex.
Loches - Pour la cinquième année, les archéologues sont de retour au Logis royal. Ils fouillent pour mieux connaître la grande salle seigneuriale. Tout tourne autour de la grande salle seigneuriale du palais des comtes d'Anjou mise au jour l'été dernier tout près du logis du fou. Ses dimensions gigantesques – 16 mètres de large sur, peut-être, une trentaine de mètres de long – suffiraient à elles seules à donner envie d'en savoir plus sur elle. Cette fois, Pierre Papin, responsable du chantier, a décidé de fouiller sur toute la largeur de cette pièce d'apparat. Jusqu'au vendredi 15 septembre, deux archéologues, entourés, selon les périodes, de quatre à neuf bénévoles, vont œuvrer sur une superficie d'une centaine de mètres carrés, jusqu'au rempart actuel. L'articulation entre les remparts et le palais comtal est d'ailleurs au cœur de leurs recherches. Des remparts ont-ils été construits en même temps que le palais comtal du XIe siècle ? Y en avait-il avant ? Pierre Papin aimerait remonter plus loin encore et retrouver le castrum romain . « Tous les ans, je cherche un indice de sa présence et de sa localisation, sourit-il. Là, avec des fouilles sur toute la largeur, on peut espérer tomber sur des indices tangibles. » L'autre objectif majeur est de mieux comprendre la manière dont le bâtiment abritant la grande salle était divisé en plusieurs espaces aux fonctions différentes (cuisine, stockage, service…). C'est en tout cas ce que les fouilles précédentes laissaient déjà entendre. Il est probable que les archéologues découvrent un mur de refend, autour duquel les différents espaces s'organisaient, sur le modèle du rez-de-chaussée du donjon de Loches.