22 - 23 JUILLET 2010


 - 23 JUILLET :

 - U.S.A. : Charlestown Nevis - The important Amerindien site of Coconut Walk dated back 1300-1400 years and represented a large settlement. An abundance of pieces of pottery and shells on the surface of the area was a good indication that things were buried there that would tell how the people then lived, ate and about their basic lifestyle, in Nevis over 1000 years ago and in this part of the Caribbean. 


 - FRANCE : Lastours - Après la découverte du village castral de Cabaret au nord du site, les archéologues ont repris le chemin de la "vieille église" qui se trouve sur le versant sud des châteaux afin de continuer à fouiller le cimetière médiéval attenant, l'objectif étant d'étudier les pratiques funéraires, les habitudes alimentaires et les liens de parenté des habitants de Cabaret entre le XI e et XIII e siècle.


 - CANADA : Southampton - Thousands of artifacts, from pieces of pottery and stone arrowheads to musket flints and glass beads, have been pulled from a construction site in a small Ontario town, offering archeologists a picture of more than 2,000 years of aboriginal history. “The material suggests the area was of great cultural and ceremonial significance to our people,” said Chief Randall Kahgee of the Saugeen First Nation, the other local aboriginal group. Located at the mouth of the Saugeen River, the area was a prime gathering place for native people.


 - AUSTRALIE : Djulirri - Researchers have discovered evidence of Southeast Asian sailing vessels visiting Australia in the mid-1600s -- the oldest contact rock art in Australia. The rock shelter the researchers are studying at Djulirri has nearly 1200 individual paintings and beeswax figures. This site includes at least 20 layers of art, and importantly, it has also yielded the oldest date yet recorded for contact rock art in Australia. A yellow painted prau (Southeast Asian sailing vessel) is found underneath a large beeswax snake. This snake was radiocarbon dated by Dr Stewart Fallon at ANU to between AD1624 - 1674, meaning that this is a minimum age for the sailing vessel painting.


 - 22 JUILLET :

 - ISRAËL : Qesem Cave - Archaeologists have found what looks to be the world's first cutlery: tiny stone knives dating back at least 200,000 years that would have been used to cut meat during a meal. Made of flint, the ancient knives are about the size and shape of a quarter. But these puny bits of stone have two razor-sharp edges and two dull edges. That made them easy to hold between two fingers and safe to wield close to the mouth.


 - SUISSE :   Goyet Cave - A controversial new report concludes that this partial jaw comes from the earliest known dog, which lived in what’s now Switzerland more than 14,000 years ago. Dog origins remain poorly understood, however, and some researchers say that dog fossils much older than the Swiss find have already been excavated.


 - SYRIE : Tela'ar - A 5th century Monastery covering an area of 300 m2 was unearthed at Tela'ar site, Khan Shaykhoun area in Idleb Province of Syria.  The site includes a monastery with a courtyard paved with mosaic and surrounded by halls on the four sides. Adjacent to the monastery, a small church lies. The church includes a mosaic central square and a niche. The mosaic portrays a scene of a predator chasing a deer and a beast chasing a female donkey (jenny). A fruitful pomegranate separates the two scenes. The niche contains a vessel lying in between two birds, shedding light on the construction stage of the church. The surrounding halls are paved with ornamental mosaic of different geometric designs. In 1998, an 800-m2 church floor was unearthed discovered and moved to be showcased at the city museum in al-Ma'arrat.


 - FRANCE : Neuville-sur-Sarthe- Un vaste ensemble cultuel gallo-romain a été découvert à Neuville-sur-Sarthe, à l’occasion des fouilles d’urgence menées sur le site de la future ZAC du Chapeau. L’importance de ce sanctuaire réside dans la présence d’un temple de forme circulaire, considéré comme rarissime. De nombreux objets, parmi lesquels une très belle bague en or sculptée, ont également été mis au jour par les archéologues de l’Inrap.


 - CHINE : Kaoguzhonghua (Archéologie en Chine)- Exposition organisée pour commémorer la 60e année de la fondation de l'institut Archéologique de l'Académie des Sciences sociales de Chine. Cette exposition va être présentée à Beijing dans le Musée de la Capitale entre le 29 juillet et 10 octobre. Elle concerne des découvertes archéologiques et des projets de fouilles importantes dans 32 provinces, villes et régions administratives spéciales sauf la ville de Shanghai et la province de Taiwan. Ce sera une exposition hautement centralisée pour l'archéologie de toute la nouvelle Chine.


 - FRANCE : Bressilien / St Symphorien : Sur le site de Bressilien, deux époques se croisent. Au nord des fouilles : l'époque de Charlemagne et on voit très nettement des silos à grain, des silos de séchage et des traces d'un grand bâtiment avec des dépendances. Plus au sud du chantier le XIV e siècle, un manoir détruit par un incendie. Peut-être le résultat d'une guerre de succession de Bretagne. L'époque gauloise, c'est un second chantier ouvert à Kéramparc. Après les premières fouilles, cette équipe s'intéresse aux moeurs de sépulture et la fouille porte sur une nécropole. « Nous sommes sur l'axe est-ouest qui traversait la Bretagne, il y a des tumulus de chaque côté et cette nécropole. On y voit nettement des traces d'incinération, des vases contenant des traces de sépulture.


 - TURQUIE : Soloi Pompeiopolis - Archaeologists have begun this year’s excavations of the ancient city of Soloi Pompeiopolis, located in the present-day south-central Turkish province of Mersin. This season’s excavations will focus on the Road with Pillars and the Soli Hill Town. Soloi Pompeiopolis, or Soli, was an ancient city and port in Cilicia, in present day Turkey, a part of Mezitli municipality which in turn is a part of Greater Mersin. It was a colony of Rhodes, founded around 700 BC, destroyed and depopulated by Tigranes II of Armenia in the first century BC, and then rebuilt by the Roman general Pompey the Great, who settled defeated Cilician pirates there and renamed it Pompeiopolis.


 - INDE : Poompuhar -  The state government has decided to fund an undersea expedition to excavate remains of a 2,000-year-old town, Poompuhar or Kaveripoompattinam, submerged under the sea off the Nagapattinam coast in Tamil Nadu. Reams of ancient Tamil literature and early geographers and historians like Ptolemy and Pliny have described the Chola town of Kaveripoompattinam as a vital maritime port that had trade links with the Roman empire and China before being washed away by tidal waves, now recogized as a tsunami. A few onshore and offshore excavations since the 1960s have given archaeologists an exciting glimpse of this once-flourishing port town and capital of the Chola kings. Some artifacts and remains are displayed in the museum at Poompuhar town and preserved in the NIO.

