Kaesong - North Korea said Saturday that its archaeologists have discovered a royal tomb of the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392) in its border city of Kaesong. According to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), the mausoleum of Suk Jong, the 15th king of Goryeo who was born in 1054 and died in 1105, was found recently in Sonjok-ri of Kaesong, the ancient capital of the dynasty. The size of the mausoleum, located in the middle of a somewhat low slope area on a mountain, is 29 meters long north-south by 13 meters wide west-east, the agency said, noting the tomb has three sections, which are divided by four west-east embankments. Suk Jong was the third child of Mun Jong, and his original name was Wang Ong. He reigned for a decade from 1096 to 1105. The name of Suk Jong is his posthumous one.
Galway - Traces of a “refugee camp” dating back some 220 years have been identified by an archaeologist on the slopes of south-east Galway’s Slieve Aughty mountains. Community archaeologist Dr C Cunniffe believes he has found the location of temporary camps set up by “Ultachs” or Catholics who fled from the north in the 1790s to avoid persecution by bands of Protestant agitators known as the “Peep-O-Boys” or “Peep O’Day Boys”. The first clues – a series of circular ditches dug around hut foundations on land owned by Woodford farmer Patrick McGann – were initially thought to date to the Bronze Age, or to settlements for summer pasture, Dr Cunniffe explains. Up to 7,000 Catholics are believed to have been displaced from the Armaght county area, after competition within the linen industry culminated in the Battle of the Diamond on September 21st, 1795 near Loughgall. An estimated 30 “Catholic Defenders” were killed, and many of their neighbours were burned out of their homes and fled to areas such as the Slieve Aughty mountains. The Peep-O-Boys, who claimed victory, were precursors of the Orange Order.
DANEMARK - Stevns - What initially looked like a confectionery wrapper in the middle of the excavation of an early Stone Age palisade in the southern Zealand municipality of Stevns turned out to be something far more interesting. Archaeologists have now confirmed that it’s actually an unusual coin treasure from the Middle Ages. “It’s not often we find coin treasure during excavations. It’s usually something uncovered by metal detectors,” Mette Madsen, an archaeologist and curator at the Museum of Southeast Denmark, told TV2 News. The coins are believed to be from the 1200s, and they are quite worn. Valdmar Sejr and Christoffer 1 are visible on some of the coins. They were both ‘kings’ in Vordingborg during that period.Because the coins have been exposed to water and air for many years, they’ve turned green – which also indicates a high level of copper, explained Madsen.The treasure, which has now been completely excavated, will be sent to the National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen, where it will be conserved.
Fort Ashby - The dig was located at the site of the French and Indian War fort known as Fort Ashby located off of Dan’s Run Road in the community bearing the same name. Dr. McBride had conducted an earlier dig at the fort site in 2007-08, which revealed portions of the stockade walls. He described the purpose of this year’s dig as to explore and evaluate the ground at the rear of the property adjoining the Ashby’s Fort Museum as well as a section behind the museum. This dig revealed two thirds of the northern wall and the southeast bastion (a diamond shaped structure located at each of the four corners of the vertical log walls). These findings plus previous findings reveal more than half of the fort’s footprint. The dig also confirms that the original fort was located to the rear and right of the fort museum which has commonly been referred to as the “old fort.” The actual fort was positioned only 5-10 degrees off from magnetically north. The four vertical log walls extended approximately 33 feet in length with large horizontal log bastions at the corners. These bastions were larger than normal and not dirt filled as traditional bastions of the era were designed. The reason for this may have been to provide a room for shelter for the rangers assigned to the fort. The fort walls measured approximately 110 feet bastion to bastion. Artifacts recovered during the dig included blacksmith nails, coins, buttons, delft ware, red ware, spoons, smoking pipes dating to mid to late 18th century, a lead toy known as a wizzer, musket balls and flintlock pieces.
Papamoa - The remains of an ancient Maori village offering a rare insight for archaeologists has been unearthed during construction of a roundabout in Papamoa. Archaeologists Ken Phillips and Cameron McCaffrey were brought in as soon as the first discoveries were made at the intersection of Te Puke Highway and Welcome Bay Rd. More than 300 archaeological features were identified on the 60m by 15m excavation, including large post holes, hangi pits, a cache of hangi stones and kumara pits. Phillips said the number of possible whare sites was a relatively unique find for Tauranga because it provided information about the layout of these types of settlements. Early indications were that the kainga (village) dated from 1600 to 1800 - although some could be earlier - but carbon dating shell and charcoal samples would help determine when it was occupied. Most of the post holes were structurally aligned and could be the floors of whare. "Four adjacent whare were excavated. Further post holes at the southern end of the site formed a large structure."Numerous crop storage pits were located, most likely for kumara, although several smaller bin pits may have stored other items.Several large hangi pits were also excavated, showing fire reddening on the bottom and sides and concentrated deposits of charcoal and fire-cracked rocks. Troughton said pieces of obsidian were retrieved, including complete flakes and angular fragments. They all appeared to have been sourced from Tuhua (Mayor Island). Obsidian suggests tool manufacturing was taking place at the site. The obsidian may also have been used for cutting and scraping implements for food processing or working with plant and fibre material.
Goodwin Sands - Covered with seaweed, bits of shell and pebbles concreted into lumps of corroded iron, the wooden seaman’s chest from the Dutch East India ship Rooswijk remains tantalisingly locked after almost 300 years. It will take months of conservation work before the archaeologists discover whether it holds some of the silver treasure the ship was carrying, or a long dead sailor’s old socks. A joint excavation by divers and scientists from Historic England and the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands is unravelling the story of the last hours of the Rooswijk, which ran aground and sank in the Goodwin Sands off Kent in January 1740 with the loss of every life on board – almost 250 sailors, soldiers and passengers. Finds brought ashore in Ramsgate include a shoe still showing the dint of the sailor’s heel on the instep, glass bottles and a fancy wine glass with an air twist stem, which must have come from the captain’s cabin, pewter jugs, an onion jar, tiles from the cooking stove still scorched by the last meal, three wooden chests, one human thigh bone – and some genuine old-fashioned treasure in the form of beautiful Mexican silver dollars, minted just a few years before the wreck, and older, cruder chopped-up pieces of eight. Several cannon and two huge sea anchors still lie in the silt on the seabed.
Iznik - The remains of two tile furnaces have been found in archaeological excavations in İznik, known as a historic center of tile production in the northwestern Turkish province of Bursa. Officials have initiated work to unearth the furnaces, which date back to the 14th and 17th centuries. Current excavations at the site, which started in July and will continue until September, headed by Istanbul University History of Department academic Belgin Demirsar Arlı. Arlı said they are trying to illuminate historic tile and ceramic methods in their works, adding that the tile furnace excavations are ongoing in a field located in east of the Murad II Bath in İznik. “We started work at a new field in the north of the excavation field and we found two new furnaces. They are important in terms of the art of İznik tile-making, so the furnaces will be taken under protection,” she stated.
Bedford - Artefacts hidden for close to 2,000 years are being unearthed at a dig site in Bedford. Edith Cavell School, in Manton Lane, is being excavated by the Bedford Roman Villa Project. Along with the remains of a bathhouse, they have found a number of Roman artefacts.On Friday, day four of the dig, they uncovered a jet bead from a woman's bracelet. The day before, they found a bronze spoon.