15 - 16 OCTOBRE 2010


 - 16 OCTOBRE :

 - INDE : Bhopal - Scientists of the Archaeological Department have found out the remains of 1300 year old ancient temples at Ashapuri village near Bhopal. The debris of the temple seems to be massive in which the Bhoothnath temple was the biggest. The archaeologists have named this excavation project as 'Bhootnath Temple' series. "We have found ruins of temples dating back to 1300 years, even before the Parmar Dynasty. Before the Parmar dynasty there were Pratihar dynasty rulers in this area. After them the Parmar dynasty came. Pratihar dynasty rulers constructed temples with steeple shaped structure. These temples were large and beautiful," said Ashok Das, Commissioner, Madhya Pradesh Archaeological Survey of India. "The 21 temples you can see here were made during the Pratihar rule. The largest temple whose cleanliness is yet to be done might have been made by the Parmar dynasty," he added. The excavators have found over 400 remains of idols of Hindu gods and goddesses made during the regime of the Pratihar and the Parmar dynasty rulers. According to the archaeologists, the temples were built by the Parmar and Pratihar dynasties and certain locals contended that the Mughal rulers razed down these temples.


 - CANADA : Cupids - Archaeologists in Newfoundland have unearthed the 400-year-old remains of a cannon site built to defend Cupids, the 17th-century colony recently celebrated as Canada's earliest English settlement. The stone base of the gun battery, discovered last month as part of a continuing excavation in the historic Conception Bay village, is the most vivid reminder yet of the threats posed to England's fragile New World outpost by pirates and potential rivals from France. Piracy posed a real threat to the fledgling colony" and led its leaders to bolster the settlement's modest defences in 1612, two years after a colonizing party led by John Guy established the community. France had just planted its flag at Quebec City in 1608. And while fishing fleets from several European nations had been sailing seasonally to Newfoundland for decades to catch cod or whales, the East Coast remained a dangerous frontier where English settlers faced not only foreign foes and pirates but also wary first nations. Last fall, the remains of a protective stone wall were discovered north of the original settlement site at Cupids, raising hopes that other defensive installations might be found overlooking the bay. Like the remnants of the earliest French settlements at Saint Croix Island off New Brunswick's southern coast (1604) and at Quebec City, the archeological finds at Cupids represent the beginnings of a permanent European presence in the northern half of the New World. There are very few archaeological sites with older evidence than Cupids of an English presence in North America. An archaeological site on an island near Iqaluit has remains from an Arctic mining expedition headed by English explorer Martin Frobisher in the 1570s. Remnants of Virginia's original Jamestown settlement date from 1607. There are also plans in the works by Canadian and British experts to search the shoreline near Carbonear, N.L., for traces of a church or other buildings that may have been erected in the years following Anglo-Italian explorer John Cabot's 1497 discovery of a "new founde land" on the western side of the Atlantic Ocean.


 - ROYAUME-UNI : Monmouth - Monmouth trysting place of Admiral Nelson and his mistress unearthed by archaeologists. Archaeologists are hoping they can rebuild the summer house that provided the backdrop to an illicit romance between Britain’s greatest ever naval hero and his aristocratic mistress. The team of excavators have discovered the foundations of the house at Monmouth’s historic Nelson Garden during work to renovate the Grade II*-listed green space.


 - 15 OCTOBRE :

 - ROYAUME-UNI : Maghera - Archaeologists are to dig out a portal tomb in Northern Ireland for the first time in 50 years. The collapse of Tirnony Dolmen near Maghera has produced a rare opportunity to discover what lies beneath — and exactly how old it is.Normally portal tombs, which are among the oldest built structures still standing in Northern Ireland, are off limits to excavators and must be preserved. But after the massive capstone of this portal tomb fell to the ground earlier this year, archaeologists will be able to uncover the secrets it has held for millennia before repairs are carried out.  Tirnony Dolmen is between 5,000 and 6,000 years old. “When the tomb was first built it would have been used for interring the bones of selected members of the local stone age community. This could have included men and women, young and old. Finds from inside similar tombs include pottery and flint tools, possibly left as grave goods for use by the dead in the afterlife.  The tomb was originally built by digging out a trench where the upright stones were embedded, packing round these with smaller stones before installing the massive capstone on top of them.  In recent years, the capstone, which weighs between two and a half and three tonnes, had begun to rock, putting pressure on the supporting stones beneath. These then moved, causing the capstone to slide further.  Archaeologists are hoping to carbon date any items they find which have fallen among the packed stones, giving an accurate date for the building o the tomb.  When these things started getting built, there were also big rectangular houses starting to get built. We’re hoping to date the tomb and house types together - there might have been a wave of people coming into Northern Ireland with new ideas and new architecture.  “For the first time we would have seen domestic animals in Northern Ireland, for the first time we’d have seen fields. People were domesticating pigs and wild goats which became the sheep we have today.”  The capstone of the Tirnony Dolmen is supported by three of six upright stones, two of which form the portal.  It is believed to be a 5,000 to 6000-year-old megalithic burial tomb. One of the small non-supporting stones was badly damaged when the capstone on the dolmen fell off at the end of April.  The dolmen is remarkable for the free-standing orthostat, 1.8m high, which is beside one of the portal-stones. Behind the tilted capstone is a well-defined square chamber.


 - REP. TCHEQUE : Vladar - Czech archaeologists have uncovered unique wooden constructions, part of a water reservoir connected with an ancient settlement at the Vladar Mountain in west Bohemia. Tree-ring dating has found that the oaks from which the beams were made were felled roughly 2500 years ago. The tree-ring dating has distinguished two groups of wooden constructions. For one of them, relatively young and fast-growing trees, felled at about 480 BC, were used. Beams for the other were made from old, slow-growing oaks felled shortly after 463 BC. The researchers would mainly use the sediments from the reservoir discovered at Vladar and a peatbog they found near the mountain this year. A peatbog is an ideal natural archives that perfectly conserves information on the development of the surrounding landscape and human intervention. Animal and plant remains, in particular pollen grains, and carbon from wood can be used. This will make it possible to reconstruct the development of the Vladar 10,000 years back into the past. Research has proved that inhabitants of the ancient settlement abandoned it at the turn of the millennium. The new settlers only appeared there in the 12th and 13th centuries. The beams will be conserved by a specialised center of the museum of Archaeology and History in Lausanne because there is no similarly equipped laboratory in the Czech Republic. The longest beam is 520 centimetres long. The settlement at the Vladar flourished in the 5th to 4th centuries BC. Shortly before 200 BC some dramatic events, still obscure, accompanied by a devastating fire, occurred there. The settlement never fully recovered.


 - PEROU :   Cuzco - Two funerary complexes from the Inca period have been found in the outskirts of Cusco. The funerary complexes cover an area of 25 acres in the archaeological zone of Qhataqasapatallaqta, in the outskirts of the district of Santiago. The sites include an array of clay floors, streets, plazas, houses, terraced fields and sandstone terraces from pre-Hispanic times, when the Incas ruled over most of western South America. Some of the constructions are believed to be even older, from the Killke culture that occupied the Cusco valley before the Incas.
