Carlisle - A four-week dig has begun on the site of a Roman bath house that it is hoped will become a major tourist attraction. Volunteers are preparing the site of 4th Century remains uncovered near the River Eden in the Stanwix area of Carlisle in May. It is believed older structures may lie underneath. It is believed the bath house was used by an elite cavalry unit based nearby
Vangchhia - The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has made a startling discovery at the necropolis at Vangchhia in Mizoram — sculptures of Ganesha, Kalki, and Makara, guarded by the neolithic menhirs of the lost civilisation. An ASI team led by archaeologist Sujeet Nayan had stumbled upon the necropolis, in itself a startling discovery, in 2016. Further study conducted over a period of two months by the local circle in Guwahati earlier this year revealed these deities in January. "Many such water pavilions (Makara figure with water channel) were encountered during the exploration. Besides, a few Hindu deities and human sculptures carved out of the natural rock are also worth mentioning (sic)," a report filed by the team to the ASI headquarters stated. The menhirs (megaliths) of the Champai district, under which Vangchhia falls, have been a fixture in the local culture for ages. At the direction of the local INTACH chapter, the ASI, under Sujeet Nayan, explored the area and found one of the world's largest necropolis. During the initial study, the ASI found several water pavilions, a stairway bordering Myanmar called the 'Ancestor's Pathway', handmade buff pottery, retaining walls, and a plethora of wall carvings, among other things. P Rohmingthanga of the Aizawl INTACH chapter, who directed the ASI team to the spot, however, said the possibility of finding Hindu deities in the area was "far fetched". "The area was inhabited by Mizo people, who inhabited parts of Myanmar, Bangladesh and the neighbouring states of Manipur, Assam, and Tripura. It is not possible for any Hindu civilisation to have flourished in the area," Rohmingthanga said. He added that owing to influences from the Hindu kingdom in neighbouring Manipur and perhaps, Tripura, there were some Hindu structures in the vicinity. "There are two structures of Hindu deities in other parts of the Champai district, one in Mamit, bordering Assam's Cachar district, and another in Nunglei, near the Bangladesh border. But, it is not possible for any such sculpture to be in Vangchhia," Rohmingthanga said, adding that he will take up the matter with Sharma. Charcoal samples sent for carbon dating to two labs throw up different periods. Sample sent to Florida belongs 1450 and 1500 AD; Lucknow dates to 600 AD
Hovedstrup - Archaeologists attached to the Moesgaard Museum have discovered the remnants of a small village that disappeared nearly 400 years ago near modern-day Odder in mid-Jutland. Records of Hovedstrup stretch back as far as 1300, though it’s speculated the village could be even older. The remains of a stone paved road and three modest homes were uncovered through the discovery of their post holes in the earth – structural elements typifying the late Middle Ages. According to the excavators, the remains are of a small agricultural village. The land had changed hands numerous times throughout its history, from private farmland to royal ownership to once being the backyard of Admiral Jens Rodsteen. The abandonment of the village in the late 1600s wasn’t uncommon for the time, according to the excavators, as landlords would often rearrange their land to accommodate new farmland or hunting grounds.
Byrasandra - Villagers of Byrasandra had never imagined that the stones they worshipped daily would turn out to be pieces of historical importance. The stones were actually veera gallu, or hero stones, dating back to the Ganga Dynasty — 1,000 years old — and were found in a property belonging to Varadarajan who came to the village around 30 years ago. One of the veeragallu, 4 feet wide and 8 feet tall, depicts a battlefield. This veeragallu, which bears a striking resemblance to the famous Beguru Shaasana veera gallu, is all set to be moved to the Government Museum (Bengaluru Museum) on Kasturba Road where it will be displayed with its ilk. The stone dates back to the 9th or 10th century, and is from the Ganga period. There are three stones and the main stone is four feet wide and about eight feet tall. It is deep inside the earth and we did not dig it up completely. All the three stones depict that the area was once a war field. The stone shows a king astride a horse, there is a royal umbrella, and an attendant in front blowing a clarinet. There are bodies strewn around .Last week, PV Krishna Murthy, a renowned historian, epigraphist and member of the Karnataka Itihasa Academy, visited the spot. “Looking at the ornamentation and structure of the hero stone, it can easily be dated to the Ganga period. It has some interesting details — it has men carrying royal symbols like chathri, trumpet and what seems to be mirror or kalasha on the left side of the panel. Many slain soldiers can be seen at the bottom. The smiling hero has beautiful clothes, ornaments and an elegant posture. On the top right, the hero is seen killing enemies with his sword. A Ganga period hero stone generally does not have three levels. The scene occupies the whole panel and the hero is shown in heaven with apsaras on either side at the top of the panel,” Murthy said.
ROYAUME UNI - Clwydian range - Archaeologists working in the Clwydian range hillforts in Denbighshire have unearthed stone tools which are thought to be several thousand years old. The Clwydian Range Archaeology Group was excavating an area between the Moel Arthur and Penycloddiau when they found half a dozen tools at the bottom of an ancient stream bed. They date back to about 2000 BC. Ian Brooks, a professional archaeologist, said he had never seen that type of stone tool before, and finds like them always gave him "a thrill".
Cesson-Sévigné - Une villa gallo-romaine vieille de 2.000 ans environ a refait surface à Cesson-Sévigné, à l'endroit où un nouveau quartier doit en principe sortir de terre. Cette villa gallo-romaine date du 1er siècle après Jésus-Christ aux portes de Condate, la cité antique de Rennes. À cet emplacement, apparaissent même les vestiges d'un vaste domaine gallo-romain, probablement une ferme, avec ses écuries, sa cour, son puits et sa propre route. Cette villa appartenait sans doute à un notable de la cité. En témoignent ses fondations, celles de thermes, avec sol et piscine chauffés. La partie centrale du domaine n'a pas encore livré ses secrets. Les chercheurs ont 2 mois avant de rendre le champ de fouilles au promoteur du futur quartier résidentiel.
Saint Denis - C’est la fin d’un cycle au 4 rue du Cygne. Depuis 2009, l’Unité d’archéologie de la Ville de Saint-Denis y menait une fouille programmée d’envergure. Les recherches, qui s’achevaient définitivement cet été, ont permis de mettre au jour entre autres découvertes les berges du Croult, un puits collectif, des fosses de tannage, des meules ou encore un abreuvoir, retraçant ainsi un pan conséquent de l’histoire dionysienne, du Xe siècle jusqu’à l’ère industrielle. L’équipe d’archéologues menée par Michaël Wyss a étudié d’importantes surfaces en sous-sol et a pu conserver deux bâtiments à étages à l’ombre de l’échafaudage installé à l’entrée du site qui permettait de contempler les bermes de cet îlot urbain. Dans son état actuel, le chantier dévoile des éléments illustrant les sept grandes phases de l’évolution de la ville : la rivière artificielle du Croult aménagée par les moines de l’abbaye au début du IXe siècle, le fossé du castellum commandité par Charles le Chauve pour protéger l’abbaye des invasions vikings, un canal de déviation en rapport selon toute vraisemblance avec la construction d’un moulin à eau, les fondations des premières habitations du bourg monastique établies sur le fossé asséché, la reconstruction du quartier à la fin du XIIIe siècle avec de nouvelles maisons bâties autour du puits collectif, les fosses des tanneries qui ont investi cet îlot entre le XVe et le XVIe siècle et, enfin, des cuves de lavoirs et de blanchisseries qui correspondent à l’arrivée au XVIIIe siècle de nouveaux entrepreneurs aux abords du Croult dont le cours s’assècha en 1957. Mais pourquoi s’arrêter ? « Dans cet îlot du Cygne, nous avons cherché à comprendre la fabrication de la ville à partir des remparts d’un bourg, le castellum, explique Nicole Rodrigues, la responsable en chef de l’Unité d’archéologie. Nous avons fait un important travail de fouilles mais il faut pouvoir le raconter à présent. Il faut traiter le matériel, confronter les données, dater les niveaux… Scientifiquement, nous avons compris l’évolution du site. L’objectif de départ est donc atteint. De plus, on ne peut creuser indéfiniment au cœur d’un îlot urbain. »