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11 - 12 SEPTEMBRE 2010



 - MACEDOINE : Pella - The new Archaeological Museum  contains prehistoric finds and exhibits describing the layout of the ancient city. The exhibits include hydrias, mosaic floors, statues and statuettes, heads of statues, figurines, vases, and hoards of silver coins of the Macedonian and Hellenistic periods, all from excavations in the wider area of Pella. Among the most important exhibits are six mosaics from houses (depicting Dionysus riding a panther, a lion-hunt, a griffin attacking a deer, a pair of centaurs, and vegetal ornaments), an interior wall of a house decorated with coloured plaster in the first Pompeian style (2nd century BC), a marble portrait head of Alexander the Great and a marble statuette of Alexander as Pan of the Hellenistic period, a small bronze statue of Poseidon attributed to the sculptor Lysippos, also of the Hellenistic period, hoards of silver coins of the Macedonian kings (5th century BC) and of the Hellenistic period, a red-figure hydria decorated with a representation of Poseidon’s duel with Athena, dated to the late fifth or early fourth century BC, and a headless statue of a youth on horseback.


 - U.S.A. : New-York - Ever since the 2nd century B.C. -- not long after Romans began minting coins -- shipbuilders have been slipping a coin into the structure of their ships. It’s a tradition that continues today. In fact, the USS New York - made partially from steel recovered from the World Trade Center towers - did it as well. For the ancient Romans it was likely a continuation of religious customs. Now it's just a tradition and done for good luck. Scientists find it between the stern knee and the stern post while they were cleaning the timbers. It’s only a copper alloy coin, it’s of George II, a half penny.

 - IRAN : Teheran - The British Museum has settled a dispute with Iran's national museum over the loan of ancient Persian treasure the Cyrus Cylinder. In February, the museum in Tehran said it would cut all ties with its British counterpart in protest at a decision to delay an agreed loan of the artefact. But officials in Tehran now say the 2,500-year-old cylinder has arrived "under special security". The piece, discovered in Iraq in 1879, will be displayed for four months. Persian king Cyrus ordered the cylinder to be made following the conquest of Babylon (6th c. BC). Historians regard it as the world's first declaration of human rights and it is valued by people around the world as a symbol of tolerance and respect for different peoples and faiths.


 - FRANCE : Bliesbruck -  La troisième campagne de fouilles sur le forum a porté sur trois éléments : au centre, celle d'une imposante fontaine, au nord la fouille de la grande basilique aux fonctions commerciales et administratives (réunions politiques, marché, rencontres, soit une sorte de salle polyvalente), et au sud, les boutiques.  Pour la fontaine, les archéologues ont travaillé devant la façade des thermes, soulignant ainsi le rôle de l'eau dans la culture romaine. Le grand bâtiment à plan basilical ferme la place au nord.


 JORDANIE : Humayma - The excavation site at Humayma is home to the remnants of various civilizations. A few civilizations have left ruins in the area including Romans from the early second century AD, Byzantine Churches from the fifth and sixth centuries. There are also early Islamic structures from seventh and eight centuries. This year archaeologists were excavating the Roman garrison’s bath house located in the civilian area. The excavation site includes the ruins of a Roman fort which would have held 500,000 soldiers. Excavating the bathhouse near the fort helps to explain the relationship between soldiers and civilians.
