1 - 15 MAI 2010


 -15 MAI : "Tonina is One of the Greatest Mesoamerican Cities"  (ArtDaily)

                       *  http://www.artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=38026

 -14 MAI : "Le mystère des ossements découverts sous le MUCEM" (La Provence)

                       *  http://www.laprovence.com/article/region/le-mystere-des-ossements-decouverts-sous-le-mucem

 -13 MAI : "Gold Byzantine and silver Venetian coins have been found in Skopje, Macedonia" (Balkan Travellers)

                       *  http://www.balkantravellers.com/en/read/article/1954

 -13 MAI : "Oil spill threatens archaeological sites along Gulf Coast" (Gulflive)

                       *  http://blog.gulflive.com/mississippi-press-news/2010/05/oil_spill_threatens_archaeological_sites_along_gulf_coast.html

 -13 MAI : "El Tajin, centre d'attention" (Mexique Ancien)

                       *  http://mexiqueancien.blogspot.com/

 -12 MAI : "Easter Island discivery sends archaeologists back to drawing board"  (Manchester University)

                       *   http://www.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/news/display/?id=5722

 -12 MAI : "Ancient DNA set to rewrite human history" (Nature)

                       *  http://www.nature.com/news/2010/100512/full/465148a.html

 -12 MAI :  "Restitution d'objets mayas au Honduras"  (El Universal / traduction Mexique Ancien

                        *  http://mexiqueancien.blogspot.com/

 -12 MAI :  "Australia. Scientists document painted portals to a vanished past" (The Australian)

                        *  http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/scientists-document-painted-portals-to-a-vanished-past/story-e6frgcjx-1225865192468

 -11 MAI : "Could Djedefre's pyramid be a Solar Temple ?  (Heritage Key)

                        *  http://heritage-key.com/blogs/owenjarus/could-djedefres-pyramid-be-solar-temple-not-according-new-research-baud

 -11 MAI :  "Netherlands. Underground battle : archaeology vs construction  (RNW)

                        *   http://www.rnw.nl/english/article/underground-battle-archaeology-vs-construction

 -11 MAI :  "Le Patrimoine Culturel Africain bientôt rapatrié ?"  (AFRIK.COM)

                        *    http://www.afrik.com/article19706.html

 -10 MAI : "Uncovering Nottingham's hidden medieval sandstone caves"  (University of Nottingham)

                        *   http://communications.nottingham.ac.uk/News/Article/Uncovering-Nottinghams-hidden-medieval-sandstone-caves.html

 -10 MAI : "Work begins to preserve QAR artifacts on ocean's floor"   (JDNews.Com)

                        *   http://www.jdnews.com/news/qar-78159-artifacts-work.html

 -  9 MAI :  "Epave du Xe s. en Indonésie : I. Bokova exprime son inquiétude (Communiqué UNESCO)

                        *  http://www.newspress.fr/Communique_FR_228487_1052.aspx

 -   9 MAI :  "Ixcateopan, tributaire en coton" (INAH / Traduction Mexique Ancien)

                        *  http://mexiqueancien.blogspot.com/

 -   7 MAI :  "Babylon ruins torn between presentation and profit" (AP Associated Press)

                       *  http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jFb8J4jyzEoErIRsmer8TLLwfO8AD9FI4L880

 -   6 MAI :  "Neandertal genome yields evidence of interbreeding with humans"  (ScienceNews)

                        *  http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/58936/title/Neandertal_genome

 -   5 MAI : "Bonobo chimps filmed shaking theit head to 'say no"  (BBC)

                        *  http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_8659000/8659411.stm