09 -10 JUILLET 2010


 - 10 JUILLET :

 - INDE : Orissa - Perched languidly near the Konark coast in a state of decrepit grandeur, the Sun Temple may just be sitting atop its own grave. Seemingly on the precipice of extinction after a tenacious battle with the elements, the temple - built in the 13th century as a colossal chariot for the sun god and representative of the pinnacle of ancient Kalinga art - has now presented a great, albeit troubling, riddle before the world's top archaeology experts. At the heart of a very intricate and equally delicate problem are the sand-filled walls of the Jagamohan, or the front audience hall, that survived the temple's gradual decimation. the Sun Temple was built during the reign of King Narasimha I (1238-1264 AD). According to an account by Abul Fazl, the court historian of Akbar, Narasimha 1 had spent on it the entire revenue of his kingdom that had accrued over a period of 12 years. The structure, resembling a colossal chariot with 12 pairs of wheels, lavishly sculpted with symbolic motifs and pulled by seven horses, was so designed as to let the first rays of the sun fall on the main entrance. The main temple, which some believe rose to a height of 225 feet, was in ruins by the early 17th century, and what is now left of it is the Jagamohan.


 - 09 JUILLET :

 - ROYAUME-UNI : Stirlingshire - David Booth discovered a media-eval seal dating back 800 years in a field in Stirlingshire. The well-preserved silver antique, decorated with a small stone carving or "intaglio" from Roman times, could be worth several thousands. The inch-long, oval-shaped mediaeval seal matrix features a circular inscription - probably the owner's name - around a carving of a Roman figure in red jasper.


 - CHILI : Easter Island - Astronomers deemed the mysterious island the best place to witness sunday's alignment of the sun, earth and moon. Easter Island is expecting some 4,000 visitors during Sunday's total solar eclipse. The island is only 60 square miles and hosts large, 3000-year-old stone statues.


 - U.S.A. : Tuzigoot - Perched between Cottonwood and Clarkdale Arizona is the mysterious ruins of Tuzigoot. It is said that the first structure was built around A.D. 1000, by an ancient culture known as the Sinagua, also known as the Anasazi.The Sinagua's were obviously aware of its greatness, as this is where they built their homes and thrived off of the land. They were agriculturalists with trade connections that spanned hundreds of miles. They hunted game and gathered seeds and nuts to sustain themselves. By studying petroglyphs, artifacts, and comparatives of indigenous and Hopi groups, Archaeologists and anthropologists describe Sinagua rituals as being closely related to the flora and fauna of the area. They utilized surrounding wild desert plants for practical and medical purposes. Stems and branches were used for fiber, fruits and flowers for food and roots for soap.The Sinagua’s molded nature around them in a peaceful way without destroying it and mixed freely with other cultures. They adapted to a harsh environment, using natures rocks, boulders, water sources, flora and fauna.Know one knows what happened to the Sinagua’s, as they just mysteriously disappeared around 1400.


 - CUBA : La Havane - The archaeological excavations in the Havana Historical Center keep revealing the life of the inhabitants of that part of the village from the XVI until the present time. Fragments of domestic china, glass, ceramic, diet remains, cattle bones, bird bones were found in Tacón number eight where they were also found quelonio pieces that reinforce the investigation of the capitular records that point out to the existence of a beach of turtles near the Castle of the Force or the Square of Saint Francis from Assisi. These discoveries belonging to the XVII century are vital for the study of the transformations of the city of Havana.


 - ROYAUME-UNI : Ashford - Two cooking pots and the rim of a bowl are among the finds that experts believe prove civilisation existed in Ashford thousands of years earlier than previously thought. By January this year archaeologists had found a large pit that contained struck flint from the early Bronze Age, dated approximately 3,000BC. Notes on the findings were published on Monday. The report stated: "The north end of St Michael's Road was dominated by mid to late Bronze Age field system ditches and large pits and wells possibly for domestic use. These represent the earliest evidence of farming in the area".


 - TURQUIE  Keltepe - New Zealand scientists have recreated the face of a 2500-year-old Turkish peasant. University of Otago researchers refined procedures they had previously used on an Egyptian mummy to reconstruct the skull of the woman whose full skeleton was found during an archaeological dig in Keltepe, near the site of the ruins of the ancient merchant city of Kanesh. The site was on the cross roads of the East-West, and North-South trade routes. The face was reconstructed with silicone skin, real hair, and eyes which have been aged with red veins. The woman is believed to have been between 35 and 50 when she died.


 - BULGARIE Vratsa - The 8,000-year old skeleton of a young man, which archaeologists recently found in north-western Bulgaria, has been moved to the Regional History Museum. The latest remains of the 35-year old man, who was named Hristo by the archaeologists and is dubbed “the first European” by media, was transferred fully preserved to the museum through a special technology, so it can be studied further through DNA and other tests.


 - CANADA : Quebec -  Dans Saint-Roch, une dizaine de cercueils sont mis au jour dans ce qui était un cimetière de l'Hôpital général de Québec. L'allure des tombes révèle qu'elles appartenaient certainement à des malades décédés à l'hôpital entre 1728 et 1850, possiblement après la guerre de Sept Ans (1756-1763). Les archéologues recherchent les deux grandes fosses communes qui contiennent chacune plusieurs centaines de corps de soldats britanniques et français morts après la bataille des plaines d'Abraham de 1759 et la bataille de Sainte-Foy de 1760.
