Tal Shair -Tombs containing skeletons dating back to the second millennium B.C. and the Arab Islamic period were unearthed in the archaeological site of Tal Shair (hill), 22 km east of Qamishli in Hasaka Province. Along with this finding, the Syrian national archaeological mission working at the site also uncovered a brick-floored well from the Middle Ages. Other archaeological finds in the current season included pottery and stone pieces that go back to the second and third millennium B.C. and a part of a passage of an adobe building dating back to the French occupation period. The discoveries in the past years unveiled parts of a building under which a red brick-floored water canal and a well were found.
Memot - The rural Memot area in southeastern Cambodia has proven itself as one of the richest sources of information about the country’s pre-historic development. Ancestors of the primitive people who once lived there later became part of the Khmer Empire. The Khmer, one of the world’s most advanced artistic civilizations, grew to rule most of Southeast Asia only 1500 years after the Memot villages formed. On Tuesday, September 2, a colleague in the Memot area placed an urgent call to archaeologist Heng Sophady to report the destruction of an ancient village site. Mr Heng rushed to the site, located in Samrong Village and called the Samrong Circular Earthwork. The site is completely destroyed. [There is] no earthwork anymore in that place.
- FRANCE : Cluny - Visiter l'abbaye de Cluny telle qu'elle était au XVe siècle. Voir le Diaporama :
- FRANCE : Laudun - Cette campagne d'étude sur le terrain aura permis la révision de trois sites archéologiques au cours de prospection pédestre sur les communes de Bagnols-sur-Cèze, Chusclan et Laudun. Les investigations se sont portées sur le lieu-dit Carmignan à Bagnols-sur-Cèze puis sur la commune de Laudun aux lieux-dits Roquette, et aux alentours du domaine du Boulas. A cet endroit un site gallo-romain, daté entre le Ier et le IIe siècle de notre ère a été étudié, et a fait l'objet d'une étude d'impact réalisée grâce à un relevé GPS minutieux de tous les artefacts observés (essentiellement de la céramique).
- CHINE : Pingshan - An archaeology team from the Hebei Cultural Relics Research Institute has found a chess set for Liu Bo Chess, thought to be the original version of Chinese chess and chess, in an ancient tomb belonging to the Western Han Dynasty in Pingshan County. Archaeologists found 100 ancient tombs from a period lasting from the Warring States Period to the Qing Dynasty and unearthed some very rare and precious cultural relics from those tombs. They found a Liu Bo chess set, including chessmen and chess-prods, near one male's remains in a Western Han tomb. The chess game was invented before the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, and it includes three major tools, the chessmen, chess-prods and a chessboard. The game symbolized a battle, and two players had to use their wisdom and strategies to attack each other and to win the game by forcing rivals into a deathtrap. The form of chess was on the wane after the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the playing method and rules were gradually out of record both in people's memories and history books.
Faversham - Archaeologists have made exciting discoveries at a site just outside Faversham where a late Roman burial ground has been found. The 4th century sarcophagus is built from chalk blocks and Kentish ragstone with a terracotta lid covering the grave slot. Its alignment shows it is a Christian burial. Several different floors have been found, made from flint cobbles and compacted chalk, as well as 1st, 2nd and 3rd century ditches. In Roman times this site, which was just outside the Roman town of Durolevum, contained a cemetery with cremation burials, as well as shops and industry. Some of the early ditches on the site could possibly date from the Roman invasion of England in AD43. Archaeologists have also also found a Roman kiln or oven, Roman cremation burials and Roman Watling Street as the study site lies within a rich archaeological landscape. To the west are the standing remains of Stone Chapel, a scheduled monument, subject to a recent investigation by the field school which concluded it was built as a Romano-Celtic temple and then probably rebuilt as a Christian church.
- IRAK :
Iraqi officials displayed hundreds of recovered artifacts Tuesday that were among the country's looted heritage. The 542 pieces are among the most recent artifacts recovered from a heartbreaking frenzy of looting at Iraqi museums and archaeological sites after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion and in earlier years of war and upheaval. So far, 5,000 items stolen since 2003 have been recovered, and culture officials hoped Tuesday's display would encourage more nations to cooperate in the search for 15,000 pieces still missing from the Iraqi National Museum, one of the sites worst-hit by looters after the fall of Baghdad seven years ago.
The remains of the three craft – all dating from between 1450 and 1600 – were found in the straits between Turkey and the Greek island of Rhodes. One ship appears to be a large English merchant ship, while the other two are smaller – perhaps a patrol craft from Rhodes and a small trading boat that could have been Turkish, Italian or Greek. Though the three shipwrecks were discovered near each other, they are not thought to be related, or to have foundered in the same event. The large British ship, thoughtto be a merchant trading ship, was armed with cannons, likely to protect against pirates who would aim to steal the valuable goods onboard. Both of the smaller vessels also had weapons. This fact could reveal clues about what this area was like at the time.