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05 MAI 2017 NEWS: Bribirska Glavica - Bovey Valley - Yin - Zeugma - Oneida - Bakhar -






CROATIE 8639666  Bribirska Glavica The discovery of an inscription in stone bearing the name of Duke Branimir, a Croatian ruler, represents a true sensation . The inscription is the seventh found in this area, with the words INTERIBUS (during the reign) B...MIRO (Branimir) DUCE (ruler)... There is also the name of abbot Tedabert, who is also present in the inscription in Nin town. In another inscriptiondound on two stones, the Swedish province « Skania Inferior » is mentioned. It is known and well documented that the Vikings resisted Christianity for a long time, with their early Christianity reaching to the 12th century. How did a Swedish toponym come to Bribirska Glavica, and what does it all mean considering the current opinions regarding Viking connections ? The spiritual space of the Vikings is ruled by Odin and Thor. What is the bond between Scandinavia and Balkans ?

ROYAUME UNI -  Bovey Valley - A ‘Time team’ has been digging and scraping around the Bovey Valley in an effort to fill in historical gaps. Its six-day exercise at long-abandoned Vinnimore Farm in the national park unearthed an assortment of ‘finds’ – from pottery fragments to ironwork and a clay pipe. But the most exciting discoveries were the remnants of a chimney place and oven at the farmstead. Historic maps indicate that the settlement was occupied during the 18th century - but the date of its origin remains unknown. It’s thought the place may have its beginnings in medieval times, a speculation fed by the remaining ruin’s construction, style and form. A trust spokeswoman said: ‘The layout and location of the building are quite unusual given its location - and this has given rise to questions concerning the age, function and development of the structure.’

CHINE – Yin - Eighteen ancient tombs belonged to nomadic Xiongnu tribes 1,800 years ago were recently discovered at an archaeological dig at the Yin Ruins in central China's Henan Province. According to archaeologists, the tombs, ranged in orderly rows, were discovered at the east of the Yin Ruins' palace area. Based on the relics unearthed so far, they did not belong to the Han people living on the Central Plain. Shen Weixi, researcher of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said "the tomb chambers were built with bricks, which is not like the typical tombs on the Central Plains. They likely date back to the period from the late East Han to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, about 1800 years ago." The archaeologists found that all these graves were well preserved, and there were no traces of them having been robbed and plundered. A number of objects were discovered alongside the graves, including short swords, gold earrings and turquoise objects. In almost every tomb, there was a bronze pot, considered a common feature of the Xiongnu nomads. "There are two rings on each bronze pot, and they were used to hang up the pots for cooking. Traces of smoke were found on them, so the pots were all used. From their shapes, we would say they were related to the northern nomadic tribes of Xiongnu," Shen added. More details are expected to be found with the excavation set to go on until November this year. Located in Anyang city, Henan Province, the Yin Ruins are the remains of the ancient Shang Dynasty capital, with over 3,300 years of history. Dubbed the "cradle of Chinese archaeology" by archaeologists, excavations started in the late 1920s, revealing tombs, the foundations of palaces and temples, bronzes, jade carvings, lacquer ware, white carved ceramics, green-glazed ware and oracle bones.

TURQUIEN 112674 1 Zeugma - Some sculptures unearthed during archaeological excavations in the ancient city of Zeugma, which are on display at the Gaziantep Archaeology Museum, have been identified to have the same style as the ones in Syria’s ancient Palmyra city. Museum officials say the steles have the same style as the ones in Palmyra and that some of the artifacts in Zeugma were believed to have been made by the masters in Palmyra in the past.  “The Palmyra ancient city dates back to the 2nd-3rd century B.C. Once upon a time, there were big civilizations and wealth in Palmyra at the same time as Zeugma. Artifacts were exchanged between Zeugma and Palmyra. Neighborhood relations continued both in cultural and artistic meanings.

USA22599544 mmmain Oneida Lake - Three Oswego County divers discovered a rare early 19th century boat in Oneida Lake. The wreckage of a long slender boat was determined to be a Durham boat. Durham boats were the first canal boats in the state and were designed to carry heavy cargo on the early canals and rivers. No archaeological examples of Durham boats were identified prior to this discovery, according to diver Timothy Caza, of West Monroe. The shipwreck measures 62.5 feet long, 10 feet wide and about 2.5 feet deep. It was designed to carry about 20 tons of cargo on shallow rivers. Its long, thin shape, and the use of a long oar to steer it were designed specifically for operating on rivers.

PAKISTAN Mankera Bakhar - The Punjab Archaeology Department has completed an archaeological survey in district Bakhar to explore the possibility of restoring traditional beauty of the ancient architectural structures. The surveying officials, however, also found remains of another monument Handera (tomb) near Sheikh Rao bridge, which is believed to be the burial place of Bakhar Khan, the founder of the city. The origins of Mankera fort, according to some traditions, dates back to one thousand years BC, the report says. Considered as the principal feature of the town, the monument lies half a kilometer to the left of the Bakhar highway. It was built in two phases. The initial construction of the brick fort was carried out during the time of the Baloch rule, and further fortification by making a thick mud wall was undertaken during the Pathan rule.Today, the fort is mostly in ruins and save a wall, a tomb, and a few signs of masonry, everything else seems to have vanished. The fortification wall was also in ruins. The mud bastions now barely stand and are at a risk of collapsing sometime soon. The main citadel of Mankera Fort is covered by a Muslim graveyard and an enclosure tomb of Nawab Sar Buland Khan. The wall of this enclosure is in a precarious situation; however, the grave of Sur Buland Khan is in sound condition. There was a mosque inside the fort that was constructed by Nawab Muhammad Khan, commonly known as Nawab Muhammad Sur Buland Khan in 1230 A.H. The mosque is Square in plan measuring 38’ x 6” x 21’ internally and its walls have a width of five feet. The historical Dilkusha Bagh situated on the western side of Bakhar on the old route of river Indus was dedicated to Mehr-un-Nisa (Noor Jehan), the wife of Mughal Emperor Jahangir. According to the information collected by the surveying officials from different sources, the royal couple stayed there for a long time before making the Dilkusha Bagh. A building was also built in memory of a precious horse of a Mughal Sardar who had died there, however, no remains of that historical structure were found.
