- CHINE : Tongliao - Recently, archaeologists found prehistoric hats of human beings who lived 4,600 years ago from an ancient tomb site at Tongliao City of Inner Mongolia. Experts said it was the first time this kind of hats, which were made from bones, have been found in the same period of prehistoric culture. As of now, archaeologists have found and cleared near 400 ancient tombs dating back 4,500 years ago around the site, and more than 1,500 objects of pottery, jade stone, horn and clam shell were excavated.The newly-found bone hats were tightly cramped on dead bodies' heads and had the obvious shape of hats. After inspection, every such hat was made from 15 or 16 animal bones, and the length and radian of those are all very delicate. Archaeologists have found four complete such "bone hats" from those 400 ancient tombs.
St-Laurent - Le tumulus des Sables, situé dans l'enceinte de l'école maternelle, a livré une partie de ses secrets. En 2005, de jeunes écoliers découvraient des vestiges osseux dans ce qui leur servait de bac à sable.Depuis 2006, une équipe scientifique travaille en août sur ce site pour procéder à des investigations du sous-sol. L'association d'un tertre, d'une faible élévation, de restes humains disloqués et de céramiques a orienté l'équipe d'archéologues vers l'identification d'une sépulture collective appartenant à la culture campaniforme. L'étude du site a révélé une première occupation funéraire à la fin du néolithique. Le lieu accueillait une trentaine d'individus. Une vidange partielle de la première sépulture a été effectuée comme en témoigne la découverte de nombreux vestiges. Les sépultures étaient accompagnées de mobiliers funéraires. Les archéologues ont mis à jour des vases en céramique, des points de flèches et de rares éléments en cuivre. La parure était constituée de perles en dentales (un petit coquillage marin en forme de tube), en calcaire, accompagnées de boutons en os.
- IRLANDE : Irish scientists have found fragments of Egyptian papyrus in the leather cover of an ancient book of psalms that was unearthed from a peat bog, Ireland's National Museum. The papyrus in the lining of the Egyptian-style leather cover of the 1,200-year-old manuscript, "potentially represents the first tangible connection between early Irish Christianity and the Middle Eastern Coptic Church", the Museum said. "It is a finding that asks many questions and has confounded some of the accepted theories about the history of early Christianity in Ireland." It was uncovered four years ago by a man using a mechanical digger to harvest peat near Birr in County Tipperary, but analysis has only just been completed. "It appears the manuscript's leather binding came from Egypt. The question is whether the papyrus came with the cover or if it was added.
- IRAN : Zolfabad - A large platform and ruins of a bathhouse ( Ilkhanid era) have been discovered during the second season of excavation, which has been in progress since early August at the Zolfabad site located three kilometers northeast of the town of Farmahin in Central (Markazi) Province. Located in the heart of the historic city, the platform is over one meter in height and has a solid foundation built with lime and stone mortar. Stairs, apodyterium (dressing area), caldarium (hot bath) and the main hall have been identified in the ruins of the bathhouse, which had been constructed using mud and clay bricks, bonded by mortar made of lime, ash and sand. The city of Zolfabad played a key role in regional trade between Qom, Tehran and Isfahan from the 12th to the 15th century. The city, which covered an area of 130 hectares, was gradually buried under earth after it was destroyed by a devastating earthquake during the Qajar period.
Kilwinning - Somewhere within the precincts of a ruined 12th century abbey in the Ayrshire town of Kilwinning, the mortal remains of the man who wrote the Declaration of Arbroath are thought to lie.Nobody is sure exactly where, but archaeologists think they are about to find out. Locating the bones of the abbot, Bernard of Kilwinning, who drafted one of the most significant documents in Scottish history, would be the biggest find of the excavation. Bernard, who died in about 1331, was head of the Tironesian monastic order at Kilwinning. He became Chancellor of Scotland under Robert the Bruce, then later Abbot of Arbroath, before being handed the bishopric of the isles. The Declaration of Arbroath is hugely significant globally because it’s the first document that enshrines the idea that the people of the country are sovereign, rather than the governing monarch or anyone else.