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04 MAI 2016 NEWS: Cornwall - Futaba - St.Augustine -







ROYAUME UNIV0 master 117 Cornwall - Archaeologists have found the floor and central wall of a collapsed ancient deer house in Cornwall. Archaeologists have described uncovering a “beautiful” cobbled floor, made of slender pebbles laid on their edges alongside an intricate design of white pebbles, at a collapsed county seat from more than 200 years ago in a Cornwall Deer Park. Known as the Rock Seat on old maps, the Stone Seat is thought to have been built with a slate roof during the late 18th or early 19th century.  “The Upper Deer House, on the opposite side of Grotton Plantation, was a long, linear structure, defined by two crumbling gable walls and a few upright granite posts,” says James Gossip, of the Cornwall Archaeological Unit. “Although the building had partially collapsed and its original form is uncertain - there are no known surviving photos - the team managed to clear away rubble and soil to reveal the original plan of the building along with a rear ledge which would have supported a wooden seat.

JAPONFutaba Futaba - Only about three kilometers away from the crippled Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant, the Kiyotosaku tunnel tomb is an important example of such tombs built in the seventh century in Futaba, Fukushima Prefecture, and is listed as a national historic site. Its excavated walls were decorated with various patterns and pictures of a human and animals painted with red pigment. Around 2007, the surface of the tomb’s inner wall was found dotted with a white substance. Salt from the earth had crystalized due to the rise of the temperature outside. Futaba’s education board started work to stop further deterioration in 2010, but it was halted when the 2011 earthquake and tsunami hit, followed by the Fukushima nuclear plant accident. The tomb is in the "difficult-to-return zone," the highest level of the government’s evacuation policy around the plant.

USA Big bowl 1462209048952 2055920 ver1 0 St.Augustine -  City archaeologist Carl Halbirt unearthed an intact pot at the site of the Mill Top Tavern, across from the Castillo de San Marcos. He thinks the pot was buried in a pit at least 300 years ago by Native Americans and may have had ritual significance. The pot contained pieces of another pot and soil that will be analyzed.