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USA – Jeffersonville - Archaeologists have found graves possibly dating from the early 1800s underneath what are now softball fields in a southern Indiana city park. A team checking out the proposed site for a new convention center in Jeffersonville found human bones and the remains of wooden caskets Thursday in Colston Park. Clark County historian Jeanne Burke told that she long suspected the park was the site of a cemetery where as many as 300 people might have been buried. Burke said documents indicate the cemetery was established in the early 1800s, with some bodies moved there from a previous 1780s-era cemetery near the Ohio River. The cemetery was closed in 1862 and later became overgrown, with the land becoming a city park in the 1920s, she said.|mostpopular|text|FRONTPAGE

BERMUDES - St. Peters - The remains of Sir Jacob Wheate, discovered buried beneath St Peter’s Church, were recently examined by a bio-archaeologist. Sir Jacob, the Captain of the HMS Ceberus, commonly known as the ‘Musket Ball Wreck’, died in Bermuda in 1783. In 2008, his remains, along with those of Governor George Bruere, were discovered buried beneath the East End church with no memorial or record marking their final resting place. The reason for their unusual burial remains a mystery. Analysis is said to be ongoing, but initial research suggests that Sir Jacob was around 5ft 3in and was in good health for an older man, but showed signs of dental cavities and slight arthritis. According to archival data, he died of yellow fever, which is not identifiable skeletally.

FRANCE – Poitiers - Mercredi, un coup de pelle heureux avait fait apparaître des vestiges antiques. Hier une tranchée de 30 mètres fut creusée rue du Petit-Bonneveau pour en savoir plus. Bingo?: une partie des assises des tribunes des Arènes romaines a été découverte. Elle sera étudiée toute la journée ce vendredi par les experts ad hoc.

INDEh5-5-jpg-crop-display.jpg  Chandrayanapalli - Twenty silver coins that were issued by Mughal emperor Aurangazeb in the 17th Century were recovered by the archaeology department from Chandrayanapalli village, in Nizamabad district, on Thursday. Prof. P. Chenna Reddy, the director of the department of archaeology and museums, said the department has received 20 silver coins weighing 229.500 gms. He said the silver coins issued during the Mughal period. “The coins were discovered in a pot while digging the foundations of a school building in Chandra-yanapalli village. The coins were issued by Aurangazeb (1658-1707 AD) and were minted at Surat, Delhi and Multan. One of the coins was issued in 1687 AD, the year in which Aurangazeb seized the Golconda Fort. This coin if of great historical value,” Prof. Reddy said. Dichpalli police had deposited the coins at the II-additional judicial magistrate FC court in Nizamabad. The coins will be handed over to Dr Y.S. Rajeshekar Reddy Andhra Pradesh State Museum for safe custody and examination.

INDE - Hyderabad - After years of dillydallying on Moula Ali Kaman, the department of archaeology and museums has finally taken up restoration works at the heritage structure. 

The Kaman, which is one of the entrances to the Moula Ali Dargah, had suffered damages when a speeding lorry hit the structure in 2007. Officials said the arch was constructed in stone with lime mortar and the first floor roof was built with wooden rafters sealed with lime concrete. As per its architectural features, it was constructed in the 18Century AD.

INDONESIE105778-gunung-sadahurip-garut-credit-turangga-seta-300-225.jpg Garud - Archaeologists are looking at Sadahurip Mountain in Garut, West Java. The great mystery awaits to be unveiled: is it true that the mountain contains a huge pyramid of which size is more superior to Giza Pyramid in Egypt?

ROYAUME UNI –  Ingleborough - The flanks of Ingleborough in the Yorkshire Dales National Park have given up one of their secrets to a team of amateur archaeologists. Members of the Ingleborough Archaeology Group spent weeks investigating a remote site on the side of one of the National Park’s famous Three Peaks to the west of Selside in Upper Ribblesdale. And their work has resulted in the discovery of the first 7th century building to be positively identified in the National Park – and one of the first in the north of England. Excavation supervisor Dr David Johnson said: “We uncovered a small, rectangular, partly stone-built building with two rooms and in it we found 16 pieces of charcoal impressed into the compacted soil floor. “Two of these were sent for radiocarbon dating and returned identical dates – between AD660 and 780, which puts the end of the site’s use firmly within the Anglo-Saxon period. That makes this building the only firmly-dated, post-Roman archaeological site in Ribblesdale – which is of more than local significance. “We also found small pieces of chert, a dark, rock-like flint that was knapped to make small tools. These are likely to date from the Early Neolithic period, possibly 6,000 years ago and it was probably pure chance that the pieces found their way into the building – they may have been trapped in turfs used for sealing the walls or roof of the building.”