Portsmouth - More than 20,000 items ranging from a human skull to shoes and sea mines have been discovered during dredging work in Portsmouth Harbour. The work has been carried out to deepen and widen a four-mile (7km) channel to allow the the navy's new 65,000-tonne aircraft carriers to dock. It also uncovered eight cannon, an aircraft engine and 36 anchors. A German sea mine and five bombs uncovered caused major disruption to the area while each was made safe.The human skull, which is thought to date back to the Napoleonic Wars, has been passed to police in Portsmouth.Capt Iain Greenlees, who is in charge of the dredging project said: "There was a burial ground on one of the islands in the harbour and it was almost certainly washed away from there." Other items included bottles, plates and ceramics - all of which have been passed to archaeologists at Wessex Archaeology for study.
Angkor - Archaeologists have unearthed a large, centuries-old statue that is believed to have once stood guard over an ancient hospital at Cambodia's famed Angkor temple complex. The nearly two-metre-tall carving, which is thought to be from the late 12th to the early 13th century, was discovered during a dig on Saturday (July 29), said Long Kosal, a spokesman for Apsara Authority - the state agency charged with managing the complex.Cambodian archaeologists and experts from Singapore's ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute found the statue buried 40 centimetres under the ground during an excavation of an Angkor-era hospital built during the reign of King Jayavarman VII. The Apsara agency said the sandstone statue's arms and legs had broken off but the carving on the body and head "remain beautiful" despite the passage of time. :They said the statue was likely to have been a symbolic guardian of the hospital.
Port au Choix - Remnants of Newfoundland’s earliest peoples are being discovered near the small fishing community of Port au Choix. Under the direction of Dr. Patricia Wells, the Port au Choix Archaeology Project has devoted the past four weeks to uncovering artefacts and excavating at the Groswater site near Bass Pond, within the Parks Canada Port au Choix National Historic Site. So far this summer they have found various remains at the small ancient enclosure, including stone tools and other remnants. The Groswater people lived on the isle of Newfoundland from 2,800 to 2,000 years ago. This particular settlement was found on the Point Riche Peninsula in 2012. As they were known to be seal hunters, Wells is investigating the possibility that the Groswater occupied the pond area and used it for processing seal skins. Armstrong will focus on the contents of the pond’s sediments to determine if the Groswater had a lasting impact on the pond and its surroundings. “So far we have determined that this site represents a small camp where people were making stone tools and using them to cut skins for clothing,” she said. “But it is very unlikely that they hunted from this site. There’s no view of the ocean, which would have prevented the Groswater from monitoring for seals, and no suitable beach near the site for landing game on shore.”
TURQUIE – Kaleiçi - During official archaeological excavations that have been secretly carried out in the southern province of Antalya’s Kaleiçi, an ancient Roman theater has been discovered under a school. The ancient theater, which was built in the Hellenistic era and extended in the Roman era, was found under the Antalya Technical School for Girls. The school building may be demolished to unearth the theater, daily Hürriyet reported. So far, the excavations carried out by the Antalya Museum have reached the stairs of the ancient theater.
Antandrus - Researchers at the ancient Greek city of Antandrus, located in Turkey's Balıkesir province, have discovered the remains of a woman and a man, as well as numerous artifacts inside a 2,500-year-old sarcophagus, reports said Sunday. According to a statement by project leader Professor Gürcan Polat from Ege University, the excavations, which started on July 10, shed light to the 5th Century sarcophagus. "The bones most probably belonged to the people from the same family" Polat said. The researchers also discovered an ancient bowl imported from Athens, two clay amphorae, and two strigils (a tool, similar to a scraper used by ancient Greeks and Romans to scrape sweat and dirt from the skin in a hot-air bath). The ancient city of Antandrus is located in Edremit district of Balıkesir province. Surface excavations at the site were launched in 2,000.
Masseret – Les fouilles ont débuté début juillet sur le site de Masseret, et elles sont sur le point de s'achever. Elles ont notamment permis de trouver une centaine de morceaux de céramique, qui permettent de dater la période à laquelle ce four potier a été utilisé : entre 70 et 100 après JC. Ce four avait été découvert il y a 20 ans lors de travaux menés par la Direction Départementale de l'Equipement, mais aucune recherche n'avait pu être effectuée jusqu'ici. Il s'agit du deuxième site archéologique de production de céramique découvert en Corrèze après celui de Brive. Mais celui-ci est beaucoup mieux conservé. On distingue clairement le conduit de cheminée, la chambre de chauffe et le début de la coupole. Les fouilles ont également permis de déterminer le type de poteries fabriquées. Si des pièces similaires sont retrouvées sur d'autres sites de la région, cela voudrait dire que ces fours potiers ont pu être vendus à l'époque peut-être jusqu'à Brive ou Limoges.