Montclus - Une campagne de sondages archéologiques est en cours au château médiéval de Montclus, dans le Gard, sous la conduite d’un archéologue de l’Inrap. Démarrée l’an dernier et placée sous le contrôle scientifique de la Drac Occitanie, cette fouille programmée a pour objectif l’étude de la tour et de son escalier. Ces observations, intégrées à un projet collectif de recherche (PCR) mené sur l’abbaye de Saint-Gilles-du-Gard, vont permettre d’effectuer des comparaisons stylistiques avec la structure similaire connue à Saint-Gilles, ainsi que de proposer des datations.
Orthez - En amont des travaux d’aménagement des espaces urbains et de circulation aux abords de l’église Saint-Pierre, le service régional de l’Archéologie de Nouvelle-Aquitaine a prescrit une fouille préventive suite à la mise au jour de vestiges découverts par l’Inrap lors de la phase de diagnostic en 2016. L’intervention menée par une équipe d’archéologues de l’institut a débuté en mai et se déroule en plusieurs phases jusqu’en octobre prochain ; elle a pour objectif de mettre au jour la totalité des vestiges, de les documenter et de les archiver avant l’aménagement futur. Cette église de style gothique, construite dans le courant du XIIIe siècle succède vraisemblablement à une construction plus ancienne de type roman qui se situerait au milieu du XIIe siècle mais aucune vérification archéologique n’a pu jusqu’ici être faite. Après les guerres de religion qui ont du affecter sa physionomie générale, l’église subit encore au XIXe siècle d’importants remaniements avec notamment la démolition de la tour clocher qui faisait partie intégrante de l’enceinte médiévale. L’église Saint-Pierre est en effet à l’origine installée « en dehors » du Bourg-Vieux qui est considéré comme le noyau primitif de peuplement. L’édification de l’église actuelle au XIIIesiècle serait contemporaine de la création du Bourg-Neuf cerné d’une enceinte qui englobait l’église. L’emprise de la zone de fouille se situe en partie sur l’enclos ecclésial comprenant le cimetière et en partie sur un noyau d’habitation probable et l’enceinte constitutifs du Bourg-Neuf.
Ness of Brodgar - Archaeologists say they have unearthed the remains of a so-called incense pot at the Ness of Brodgar in Orkney. It is only the fifth one of its type discovered in the British Isles. Other examples have been found near Stonehenge and in Dorset. Mr Card said the name incense pot was invented by Victorian antiquaries. He added: "It was thought that the design would have been perfect for holding incense, perhaps in ceremonies. But recently analysis of the residues [in the pots] has really been inconclusive. "Other people have suggested that they were perhaps special cups, designed for maybe carrying the embers of fires for cremations." The pots seem to be associated with the disposal of bodies - either burials, or cremations.
Sipan - Peru celebrated the 30th anniversary of the discovery of pre-Inca leader Lord of Sipan presenting a bust of the ruler during a ceremony at Huaca Rajada-Sipan Museum in northern Lambayeque region. The Andean country thus materialized Lord of Sipan's 3D face, recreated by Brazilian expert Cicero Moraes in cooperation with Lima-based Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University.
Shiloh - Ten ancient jugs unearthed at the Samaria site of the ancient city of Shiloh could lead researchers to new discoveries about the Jewish tabernacle that existed there before the First Temple was built in Jerusalem. The jugs, only some of which were broken, date to the time when the Jewish people first entered the land of Israel. The vessels were unearthed approximately half a meter (20 inches) underground in a large room that is part of an ongoing archaeological excavation. The Bible attributes the tabernacle at Shiloh to the time of the High Priest Eli and the Prophet Samuel. The newly discovered jugs indicate that in ancient times, the area was vacated abruptly, with residents not having enough time to collect and pack up their belongings. Among the jugs, the archaeologists also found a goblet known as a kobaat, a type of ritual chalice. The discovery of the kobaat ties in with the stone altar that was unearthed in the area a few years ago, and could indicate that researchers are closing in on the precise location of the Shiloh tabernacle. Hanina Hizami, coordination officer for archaeology at the Civil Administration, said, “This is a very exciting find. The destruction could have been caused by the Philistine invasion and the fire that raged [at Shiloh].”
Cârlomăneşti - Nine tombs dating back to the Bronze Age have been discovered in Cârlomăneşti, in Eastern Romania’s Buzău county, reported. The newly-discovered tombs are believed to belong to people who lived in the area between 2000 – 1600 B.C. “Some tombs are located closer to the surface and were not so well preserved because of the agriculture works. But those deeper in the ground have rich inventories. Each tomb usually has a minimum of three jugs. There are also bronze pieces, items used for keeping braided hair together, bracelets, bronze collars, spindles, very beautiful jugs, unique in the Bronze Age in Romania for their shape and preservation. We found a dove-shaped jug with eight bone fragments from pig feet, probably used as toys,” Mihai Constantinescu, a researcher at the Anthropology Institute of the Bucharest Academy, explained.
Perge - A 1,800-year-old mosaic, which showed the sacrifice of Iphigenia, the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra during the Trojan War in Greek mythology, was found at excavation works in the ancient city of Perge. Phigenia was the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra in Greek mythology. While the Greek army was preparing to set sail for Troy during the Trojan War, Agamemnon caused the anger of the goddess Artemis, because he killed a sacred deer. So, she decided to stop all winds, and the ships would not be able to sail. The seer Calchas realized what the problem was and informed Agamemnon that to appease the goddess, Agamemnon had to sacrifice Iphigenia to her. Reluctant at first, Agamemnon was forced to agree in the end. He lied to his daughter and his wife by saying that Iphigenia was to marry Achilles before they left. The mother and daughter happily went to the port of Aulis, only to find out the horrible truth. Achilles, unaware that his name was used in a lie, tried to prevent the sacrifice, but Iphigenia ultimately decided to sacrifice herself in honor and of her own volition. The most popular version of what happened afterwards is that in the moment of the sacrifice, the goddess Artemis substituted Iphigenia for a deer, but Calchas who was the only witness remained silent. Iphigenia was then brought by Artemis to the city of Tauris where she became the goddess’ priestess. The ancient city of Perge has been dubbed as “Turkey’s second Zeugma” for the alluring appearance of the mosaics that have been unearthed so far.
GRECE - Despotiko - Excavation and restoration works on a tiny Greek islet west of Antiparos, itself a well-known speck of land in the central Aegean, has unearthed the foundations of a temple that archaeologists believe was dedicated to the worship of mythical Apollo during antiquity. The remains of the temple and other buildings were discovered on the islet of Despotiko, and specifically at the Mantra site. The islet is located less than a kilometer from Antiparos island, separated by a shallow strait. Moveable objects revealed during this season's dig on the uninhabited isle included fragments of a marble statue of a "Kore", a notable type of free-standing archaic Greek sculpture and the marble foot of a "Kouros", an iconic form depicting a youth or young man in pre-Classical times. Excavation on Despotiko began in 1997 and has since emerged as one of the most important archeological sites among the Cyclades islands. The sanctuary seems to have been devoted to Apollo and archaeologists discovered an ornate façade of a structure measuring 35 meters by 15 meters, suggesting that the sanctuary was extended and rebuilt several times during the Classical and Hellenistic periods. A large, four-room building on the site’s west section featured a large stone altar in one of the rooms as well as pottery fragments bearing inscriptions with Apollo’s name. A long wall, stretching from what would have been the islet’s ancient port to the site of the sanctuary, was also revealed.